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A Big Thank You!

A Big Thank You!

A Big Thank You!

We at TheStyle.World are extremely grateful to all the armed forces, navy, air force personnel, medical professionals, police, non-government organisations, social workers, scientists, hospitality professionals, clerks and assistants, law enforcement officers in government organisations, public servants, pourakarmikas and others, who are selflessly working day and night, to ensure the country is running smoothly and helping the civilians maintain the normalcy of day-to-day lives.

A Big Thank You!

All of you and hundreds of thousands more, a big thank you, for working and putting your life at risk to protect others, in these tough, life-threatening times. We would also like to thank all the diplomats, pilots, other crew and cargo and people in responsible positions who are relentlessly doing their bit to serve others.

A Big Thank You!

India has done pretty well so far in its fight to contain the Novel Coronavirus and the next few days are equally crucial. Everyone is required to follow necessary precautions at home, offices or wherever they go and precaution, does not mean panic. Let’s all be responsible citizens, follow WHO guidelines and educate others to be careful too.

A Big Thank You!

A Big Thank You!

A Big Thank You!

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