Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much – Helen Keller.
The prevailing pandemic in the country that hosts one-sixth of the world’s population will require endeavour not only by the Government, but the population at large.
The lockdown compelled thousands of migrant workers onto urban streets. With transportation shut down, many have been trying to walk hundreds of kilometres back to their rural homes to ride out the crisis with their families.
There is an impelling need to ensure this vulnerable population was given economic protection, but there’s really nothing here for the landless, daily wagers and migrant workers”.
A quintessential response to a public health emergency doesn’t exist; strategies must be tailored to the local context and to the severity of the situation.
One such initiative worth mentioning is Together We Can, a collaborative effort by Zerodha and Smally’s to feed the city.
The initiative aims to tackle the need of the hour, hunger.
Nikhil Kamath CIO of Zerodha and Nikhil Hegde Founder of Smally’s Resto Cafe have combined efforts to make sure as many as 10,000 people a day are fed a meal on a daily basis. Both these noble men have more than their first name in common … their shared passion for humanity.
A typical day in the camp starts with meal preps which begin at 10 pm and distribution at 10 am the following day by Nikhil Hegde and 60 employees from Smally’s along with 35 volunteers across the city who work selflessly.
Nikhil Kamath has donated more than 25 crores to respective causes including the PM fund and has adopted a hands-on approach to the campaign by distributing meals personally to those in need.
This campaign was executed by the Bangalore Police during the lockdown who strive tirelessly in their efforts to save the city.