National Tattoo Day- Top 10 Tattoo Artists Around The World

National Tattoo Day- Top 10 Tattoo Artists Around The World

National Tattoo Day is a celebration of body art that is as old as humanity itself. What started with tribal markings has grown today into intricate, detailed masterpieces, with the artists behind them revered figures in their own right. On this special day, let’s delve deep into the realm of tattoo artistry and ask about the skills of ten very extraordinary individuals who would redefine the art. Tattoo Art: Before we establish any contemporary masters, respect is to be directed to the humble and rich origins of tattooing. From ancient Egyptians and Polynesians to Maori and Japanese, tattoo showcased a significant amount of cultural and spiritual pilgrimage. Over centuries, this art spread beyond borders to become a global phenomenon of different cultures and subcultures. Today, tattoos are definitely in the mainstream for self-expression, with celebrities, athletes, and everyday citizens showcasing bodies with intricate designs. The internet and social media have also done their share to elevate tattoo artists into stardom, providing the ultimate platform for them to reach the entire world with their work. Top 10 Tattoo Artists Inside the world of tattooing lies an amazing maze of talented eyes, each with its own style and vision. Herein, we underline those ten persons who have been able to push tattooing to its limits: those artists who have been capable of continuously beating the status quo. Nikko Hurtado, United States:  This artist is well-known for his hyper-realistic portrait work; truly, however, he has perfected replicating the ‘life’ of a subject onto ink. It is in this talent for creating lifelike pictures on the skin that sets him among the top wanted tattoo artists in the world. Filip Leu, Switzerland:  Again, he was one of the fundamental, most famous trendsetters in the introduction of Japanese-style tattoos in the West, with Filip Leu never failing to be easily recognizable due to his powerful lines, bright colors, and intricate details. His commitment to conventional techniques, touched by a tinge of modernity, has acquired him a global clientele. Steve Butcher, U.S.A:  The tattoos by Steve Butcher focus on black and grey realism, which are hauntingly beautiful. Sheer depth and dimension are his trademark, reflecting his talent and, hence, his influence generally in tattooing. Megan Massacre (USA):  Megan Massacre is best known for her bold and colorful realism, which has given her the present position as one of the most coveted faces in tattooing. Her style comes with vivid hues, minute details, and an almost fearless attitude toward design. Thomas Carli Jarlier (France):  Master of blackwork and dotwork, Thomas Carli Jarlier’s tattoos are minimal, but a far cry from simple. It’s quite remarkable how much intricate texture and pattern he’s able to capture using black ink alone. Oliver Peck (United States):  First on one of the most recognizable names in tattooing, Oliver Peck is a real legend of the industry. His versatility has developed in so many different styles, from traditional American to fine-line realism. Amy Winehouse (United Kingdom):    Well, she may not be with us anymore; however, her contribution to tattoo culture was merely unconditional. The eccentric collection of tattoos that adorned her body and were PAC-ed with personal significance set her apart, inspiring more people than one can count to express themselves with body art. Kat Von D—USA:  This lady is simply an icon in the tattoo world. She has pulled quite a successful shift from being a reality TV star to one of the world’s most famous and renowned tattoo artists. Her bold yet feminine style took the world by storm, and her impact on the industry is simply undeniable. Bang Bang:  With a roster of celebrity clients, the name Bang Bang is now identified with luxury tattooing. His lean, extremely fine line style turned incredibly popular, and today he courted celebrities and fashion icons for work. Saša Unisex, Croatia:  This Croatian artist is collecting international attention due to her many surreal and exceptional styles in tattoos. Here, you can see bold colors, complex patterns, and a little bit of playfulness. The Future of Tattoo Art Brighter things and more amazing, groundbreaking work can be expected from the artists of tomorrow. Indeed, with technological advancement and increasing acceptance of body art, the sky’s the limit for tattoo artists. National Tattoo Day becomes an on-point opportunity to celebrate the huge pool of talent and creativity that such artists possess. Reach out to the experienced tattoo enthusiasts or those looking to get into the world of ink; spend some time indulging in the artistry, the passion instilled into every single tattoo. Note: This article is just an overview, not including the talented tattoo artists all around the world. The list is a mix of many factors together: artistic style, influence, and public recognition.

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 10 Books To Read If You’re Traveling Alone

10 Books To Read If You’re Traveling Alone

Traveling solo is as much a life-changing, inward journey as it is an outward one. To complement this solo venture, you should arm yourself with a couple of carefully selected books which become guides in terms of wisdom, inspiration, and insight into the geography reaching out to the traveling soul. Here are ten such books recommended to inspire your next solo travel: Traveling: Adventure Seekers “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed:  Wild and candid, this adventurous memoir follows Strayed as she makes her way through an 1,100-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail—something like her journey of self-discovery and resilience mirroring the battles and triumphs of solo travel. Undoubtedly, Strayed’s honest ruminations about fear, exposure, and the power gathered from nature are excellent travel buddy material. “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer: It’s an engaging story about Christopher McCandless, who renounced civilization to live utterly in isolation in the midst of Alaska’s wilderness. While this book raises questions regarding the allure and danger of such fantastic seclusion, it celebrates more the human spirit that made possible exploration and bonding with nature. “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson:  Part humorous, part poignant, the blend of Bryson’s experience to hike the Appalachian Trail is infused with a sense of humor in its observation and a love of nature; hence, it is perfect reading for those seeking an easy and breezy companion while in travel. Any solo traveler willing to make the best of humbling beautiful nature and laugh at the humor of its ugliness. For the Culture Seeker “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho:  He is the allegorical classic that narrates the story of a young shepherd who sets out on his quest to realize his personal legend. Coelho writes beautifully, poetically, and therefore, this book shall always be meaningful for any traveling individual in search of meaning within what they do themselves—meaning related to a dream, so to speak. “Shantaram” by Gregory David Roberts:  This sprawling epic is set amidst the vibrant, chaotic world of Mumbai and weaves a rich tapestry of Indian culture, history, and spirituality. Roberts provides minute detail and has descriptive powers that transport readers to a far-off land from one’s very own, which will turn out to be the best companion in search of new culture and experience. “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert:      A memoir detailing a pilgrimage that a woman takes through Italy, India, and Bali in search of balance and fulfillment. It is a comforting read when solo traveling in the quest for connection and personal growth because Gilbert reflects honesty and to the point in her experiences. For the Introspective Traveler “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:  This classic tale of a children’s favorite, loved equally by all, bears it through its inner and outer meaning—both depicting the very basic love and friendship towards life. The book thus informs wayfaring strangers with better meaning to their experience through very simple yet powerful inspired messages for comfort. “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl:  A touching book on man’s ability to survive bad times, it also holds grand insights on how to find meaning and purpose in life. Frankl’s perceptions on the need for hope and inner strength would bring comfort and inspiration to many solo travelers who are going through a really tough time. The Geography of Bliss” by Eric Weiner:  This is a book that gives an interesting perspective on world happiness by providing one with humor and reflection about one’s personal views toward happiness and well-being. The serious traveler will find interest in the witty observations of the cultured experiences and funny stories from their own acquisition. This literature, so well-written, represents perfect entertainment for solo traveling tests undertaken with the aim to understand different cultures and ways of life. “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac: This quintessential novel of the Beat Generation conveys restless exploration and leads in the search for meaning on the open road. The free flow of prose infused with enthusiasm from real-life Kerouac may make every traveler just go out and live by chance or adventure. More Book Recommendations “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy: a post-apocalyptic tale of a father and his son journeying through a desolate landscape.  “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams: a funny old classic on science fiction with a rather weird take on life, the universe, and everything.  “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee: timeless commenting on race, justice, and the coming of age in the American South. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey is a satire on rebellion and conformity. Nonetheless, the best list of travel literature is always an individual and personal choice based on personal taste and inclination towards travel.

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 What Will Happen To Planet Earth If Humans Don’t Exist

What Will Happen To Planet Earth If Humans Don’t Exist

The prospect of Earth without humans installed on it is a daunting one. This thought experiment challenges the immense effect our species has had on this planet. Though the concept of a world without humans may seem remote and improbable, it puts things into a totally different light of perspective concerning the delicate dance of life and how nature is in a participle state of resilience. After Earth’s Immediate Effects: If humans winked out today, the immediate effects would be deep but relatively short-lived. Long testaments to human dominance, our cities would crumble. Power grids and transportation systems would sputter to a halt; buildings tumble; and only then, finally, decades later, would nature start to consume these urban landscapes organically. Domesticated animals, which depend upon human coddling, would be in perilous survival. Companion animals would suffer and most farm animals would either die or turn feral. On the other hand, wildlife would increase their population and distribution. Species whose populations were threatened or endangered would have an opportunity to regain numbers. A Changeable Climate Probably the deepest impact of human absence, though, would be on climate change. Our reliance on the internal combustion engine has decidedly increased temperatures, causing problem after problem for the environment. Now, with no humans to bother them, CO2 emissions would slowly begin to decline, and the Earth’s surface would start cooling, although very slowly. The damage that had been done to the climate system wouldn’t really be reversed—they would take centuries if not millennia. Even oceans would change radically; having absorbed much of the excess heat and carbon dioxide, oceans would turn less acidic with the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The marine living systems would definitely benefit out of it. In due course, the sea level would also stabilize because the melting of ice sheets would slow down. Nature’s Reckoning Nature would overcome humans and spread all over the planet, resulting in an amazing healing process, if humans suddenly vanished from the scene. Forests would regrow to meet and integrate the fragmented habitats of today. Rivers would cleanse themselves of pollutants. Fertility of soil would increase as agricultural lands revert to their natural state. The recovery, however, would be slow and patchy. The legacy of human influence, the non-native invasive species, would not go away. Recovery in some ecosystems, mostly those that have been heavily altered by humans, might never occur at all. The Long Term For thousands of millennia, Earth would be changed beyond recognition. Geology, shaping new landscapes and whittling away the remains of human civilization, would press relentlessly onward. Continents could drift apart, and mountains would rise and fall. Life in all its remarkable diversity would adapt and evolve. New species would emerge to occupy the niches that humans left behind. A new balance would at last be attained by the planet, an equilibrium that is independent of human influence. The Evolution of Life If humans were removed from the scene, life would certainly go in another course of evolution altogether. Species would adapt to a world without human pressures and fill ecological niches currently dominated by humankind. New forms of intelligence may agree to emerge with it, setting ground for fully new civilizations. Evolution, however, is a very gradual process, and it is impossible to know just what course life would have taken. Many scientists believe that in the absence of humans, mammals may re-evolve into big, dominant species and fill the niches that dinosaurs played in the ecosystems. The Persistent Enigma of Human Existence Far in the future, when the very last vestiges of our civilization disappear, this riddle will go on to haunt any intelligent species that may one day rise. If there ever have been any, archaeologists of the future would find piecing together the story of man from these scattered bits of evidence a long and difficult job to do. Any species that comes after humans will learn from the best and worst of humankind’s legacy. Our effect on the planet is just an indication that the progress of humans clashes with the stewardship of the environment. A World Without Us Almost as fantastic as the prospect of a world without humans is the realization of their effect on their planet. Our absence will, without a doubt, afford some astonishing changes, but Earth is resilient, and its system bounces back quickly—against even the most drastic alterations. Ultimately, the legacy that humans will leave behind is complex and long-lasting. The wounds that humans have made to this planet will take down the centuries, if not millennia, to heal. Even in the absence of humans, the planet will keep changing and forge a future eerily familiar and utterly alien.

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 Why Is It Important To Keep The Beaches Clean?

Why Is It Important To Keep The Beaches Clean?

Beaches, with all their golden-sand, crashing-wave, salty-breeze glory, are nature’s playgrounds apart from serving as an asylum from the cacophony of city life. Beach ecosystems signify not only areas for recreation and leisure activities but also play important roles in maintaining the health of the planet. Human activity together with careless littering has only added more pressure to an already fragile balance of these environments. The paper will address issues that illustrate the essential necessity for keeping our beaches clean for the sustainable improvement of human and planetary health care. The Ecological Imperative of clean beaches Beaches represent the junctions between the land and wilderness, as habitats these fertile ecosystems home different forms of living things. From great microbial life forms to the high soaring seabirds, there are multitudes of these dependent species that look to these narrow tracts of coastal land as a matter of life and death. One huge arch-enemy to life in the sea is litter, mostly plastic garbage. This plastic entangles the animals by causing suffocation, or even death; an animal may block systems internally or suffer poisoning if it ingests plastic particles. Human Health and Safety The clean beaches are a question of health and safety: littered beaches are not only dirty, but  they can be possible health dangers. Other sharp things that might have been left lying around on beaches, such as broken glass or even fishing hooks, may easily cause injury to some beach goers. Besides, water contamination by pollution can cause skin infections and gastrointestinal illnesses that may be fatal. Economic importance Tourism is one of the widely common major economic activities for most of the coastal communities. Pristine beaches act as a main attraction to tourists. It goes without saying that littered and polluted beaches act as a repellent to visitors. Fewer tourists translate to less tourism revenue, businesses shut down, people lose their jobs, and the economy becomes worse. On the other hand, clean beaches attract tourists who support local businesses, providing jobs in hospitality industries. Independent of this, pristine beaches are a condition for any fishing industry. Actually, all sorts of pollution are disadvantageous to marine life and critically responsible for hurting fish while encouraging the rational collapse of fish populations, thus causing the annihilation of the source of a living for many fishermen. The healthier marine ecosystems will guard sustainable fishery to ensure food safety in coastal communities Global Impact   Beach pollution affects not only ecosystems that are situated locally but also has adverse effects on a much more global scale. Plastics, in the sea, the waste that starts as litter on the beach, once swept away by winds and currents, carries over great distances, but most eventually gets concentrated in gigantic garbage patches, tens of thousands of kilometers from land, and settles even across the globe, spreading worldwide, and killing marine life.   The pollution of a beach boosts climatic change through methane gasses found in landfills where organic wastes that undergo decomposition are found. Proper waste management and recycling reduces the quantum of greenhouse emissions, delaying the worst impacts of climate change. How You Can Make a Difference It is an equal responsibility that we must share—individual, community, and state or government effort in management. Some steps could be: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: Put down use of plastics as much as possible and their disposal should be appropriate. Beach Cleanups: Partake in beach cleanups to clear up the litter and create awareness. Sustainable Tourism: Opting for environmentally friendly tourist accommodation and tourism operators. Raising Awareness: Public awareness on the risks of beach littering should be provided on social media, through workshops, education, and awareness programs. On the part of the governments, they must invest in proper waste disposal facilities and implement strict legislations against littering. This will be able to keep the beaches clean and safe from the risks of trash. Let us save our beaches for our future generation. Touted as pristine havens, both for humans and wildlife, they are supposed to be. Beach pollution is, therefore, a global problem that requires international cooperation and joint efforts. Such efforts show a developed sense of awareness in the realization that pristine beaches count, and there should be a sense of joint responsibility in taking care of these precious ecosystems.  Conclusion: Beach cleanliness is a matter of unspeakable importance. Clean beaches guarantee health for marine ecosystems, human beings, and flourishing economic prosperity. The high time has come now whereby through realization of the effects of beach pollution problems and action to do something, we can retain these wonderful coastal treasures for the future. Now is the phase where, taking the breeze of a clean future, there is a call for serious actions toward the sustainable future of our planet.

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 Feminism: Myths, Facts, and Reality

Feminism: Myths, Facts, and Reality

The term ‘feminism‘ has been highly misinterpreted, misused, and misunderstood. It is, nevertheless, a very elaborate and multi-dimensional movement with an illustrious history and profound impacts in society. This article strives to pick apart common myths about feminism, give the real facts, and delve into the reality of the movement in modern society. What is Feminism? Before going deep into discussing the myths, it will perhaps be appropriate to define what is referred to as feminism. In a nutshell, feminism simply means advocating for equality in genders. It is the belief where a man and a woman are considered to be on the same level with equal rights, opportunities and treatment. It does not suggest the superiority of one gender over the other; rather, it deals with challenging and seeking to dismantle systems of oppression that have generally disadvantaged women. Common Myths About Feminism: Of all the myths, this probably is the most prevalent: Feminism is all about man-hating. Feminism is not about hating men; rather, it seeks to deactivate gender roles, stereotypes, and power imbalances normally oriented against women. It seeks to build a society where everyone, regardless of their gender, has the same opportunities to succeed. Certain people also have the idea that feminism works in favor of privileged women alone. The reality, however, is that feminism is intersectional—this means it accepts the fact that women are oppressed differently according to race, class, sexual orientation, and disability, among other things. Feminism struggles for the rights of all women, regardless of their background. Feminism is anti-family: This myth stems from the belief that feminism simply cannot coexist with conventional family structures. In reality, however, feminism does advocate for various family structures and wishes that all family members should be well-treated. It argues for policies to help working parents with childcare and domestic responsibilities divided equitably between spouses. Feminism is about man-hating: Similar to the first myth, this one wants one to believe that feminists abhor men. However, the real truth is that feminism deals with the challenging of dangerous masculinity and building a society where men and women can be free from stereotypical gender roles. Feminism is already achieved: Much improvement has been made, yet gender inequality remains rampant across the globe. Women are discriminated against in the job market, at educational institutions, in health sectors, and as political leaders. The struggle of feminism continues. Facts About Feminism: Feminism has succeeded in massive development: From women’s suffrage and equal pay laws, feminism was behind the achievement of crucial milestones for women’s rights. Gender inequality is not dead. Women have traveled far in the last couple of decades, but innumerable forms of discrimination still exist: gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership positions, and gender-based violence are just a few examples. Feminism is the view that perceives women with an interconnected experience shaped by variables race, class, sexual orientation and disability. Feminism includes the loyalty that women and men equally are called to as allies in gender equality. Feminism is changing. Continuously evolving, challenging, and embracing new opportunities. From the Reality of Today’s Feminism The global movement into which feminism has evolved is characterized by diversity and complexity. It ranges on issues from reproductive rights and economic equality to ending gender-based violence and pursuing education-based gender equality. Feminist organizations and activists are engaged in creating strategies to end women’s issues. Of the many activities specifically attributed to policy change, Awareness Raises, and Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence. However, the struggle for gender equality is still not close to an end. Misogyny, Sexism, and patriarchal structures, invisibly accepted by Society as norms, remain very much alive. Indeed, Guaranteeing fair treatment to both genders will require long-term and relentless efforts from a variety of individuals, organizations, and Governments. Challenges facing feminism: Despite all the gains, feminism faces numerous challenges to date. They include: Backlash and resistance: There is usually some resistance to the movement by people who feel threatened by gender equality. Economic inequality: there is still a gender pay gap while women are underrepresented in leadership. Reproductive rights: Access to reproductive health is one of the hot tenants in many countries across the world to date. Conclusion: Feminism is not some monolithic ideology but a diverse movement with one leading aspiration: gender equality. Now, defeating myths and knowing the facts can help us build a better world for everyone. It must be stated that feminism does not involve making men enemies from women; rather, it tries to destroy the stereotypes projected as ‘male’ and ‘female’ roles in society so that everyone has equal opportunities to succeed. Note: This is a general look into feminism. In order to gain a sense of clarity, it is necessary to study different perspectives to generate critical thinking.

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 Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield Brings Chef Visu To Alto Vino

Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield Brings Chef Visu To Alto Vino

Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield is delighted to announce the appointment of Chef B. Visu, also known as Chef Visu, as the brand-new Specialty Chef at Alto Vino, the hotel’s renowned Italian restaurant. Chef Visu, who has over 16 years of exceptional culinary expertise at prestigious establishments throughout Australia, the United Arab Emirates, and India, is ready to take Alto Vino’s fine dining experience to new depths.   Chef Visu’s culinary career began in 2009 as Commis Chef at The Park Hotels in Chennai. His passion and dedication quickly led him to prominent positions such as Chef De Partie at the Hyatt Regency in Chennai and Carluccio’s in Abu Dhabi. His extended career demonstrates his expertise in a wide range of cuisines, including Western, Italian, Greek, and Mediterranean. His experience includes cost control, menu planning, and innovative plating techniques, all while maintaining the highest levels of kitchen hygiene and sanitation.   Chef Visu has gained international recognition as a Sous Chef at Aloft Perth, Paparazzi in Mandurah, and Best Western in Tamworth. He was also a significant figure at the Majestic Hotel Tower and Omnia by Silvena Rowe in Dubai. His background includes successful pre-opening experiences, making him a great option for unique culinary ventures. Alto Vino New Menu Highlights:  Burrata con Pomodorini Antichi: Locally sourced burrata cheese, heirloom tomatoes. Insalata & Crudo  Insalata di Barbabietol: Roasted beetroot, asparagus, ricotta, mixed herbs, macadamia nuts. Insalata & Crudo  Crudo di Tonno: Tuna tartar, cauliflower puree, summer truffle sauce. Insalata & Crudo  Salmon al Té: Thyme & wild berry tea-cured salmon, apple puree. Insalata & Crudo Ricotta & Roasted Tomato: Toasted bread, mozzarella cheese, locally sourced- tomato, rocket leaves, Bruschetta & Fritto Arancini ai Tre Formaggi: Three cheese arancini: Bruschetta & Fritto Brie al Forno: Sundried tomato, balsamic onion jam, Bruschetta & Fritto Minestrone alla Genovese: Classic Italian soup Ravioli Melanzane con Beurre Noisette: Eggplant, basil, cherry tomato, hazelnut butter sauce, and pasta Tortellini Cacio e Pepe: Ricotta, pecorino, mascarpone, tortellini, salt and pepper—pasta Pizza Alla Con Pollo Griglia  Bistecca di Salmone Saltata in Padella: Pan-seared salmon steak, Secondo Torta Caprese, Dolce Semifreddo: Single-origin Madagascar chocolate; Dolce And many more delicious items on the menu reflect the rich heritage and lively flavours of innovative Italian cuisine. Every bite delivers the spirit of Italy.   “We are thrilled to have Chef Visu join our team,” stated Vivek Sharma, General Manager of Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield. “His passion for culinary excellence and extensive experience in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines will undoubtedly enhance our offerings at Alto Vino. We look forward to the creativity and expertise he will bring to our guests.”   The new Alto Vino menu by Chef Visu honours the flavorful heritage and long tradition of Italian cooking. Fresh, in-season ingredients and inventive cooking methods will be used to craft each dish, creating an Italian culinary adventure that will delight the palate as well as the eyes. Look forward to a reinvigorated menu including a variety of creative dishes that skillfully combine traditional flavours with contemporary preparation methods, all under the direction of Chef Visu. The Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield, Alto Vino, invites you on a culinary journey into the heart of Italy, where Chef Visu brings exquisite flavours and creativity to life. BUON APPETITO!   Disclaimer: This is a personal Dining Experience penned down by MS. Samanvitha Rao

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 Ambani Reception: Who Wore What?

Ambani Reception: Who Wore What?

The wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant have not been merely the coming together of two families but an event that cut across all social circles and engaged the eyeballs of the entire nation. Every detail is minutely worked out, addressing grandeur from ostentations of the ceremonies down to the high-brow guest list. But amidst all of this, overshadowing everything at the reception—this ‘Mangal Utsav’—was the fashion. Stars came out on this night in their best ensembles to mark it as an event etched in Indian fashion history, working the floor like a runway would. A Fusion of East and West: Ambani Reception The bride, Radhika Merchant, was unarguably a fashion queen throughout the evening as she walked out. Her sartorial choices reflect a sophisticated blend of the Indian, specifically described in dope heritage, and timeless modern elegance. She had opted for a dramatic he-two-piece combination by the master himself for the initial part of the reception. First, it was a custom-made gown from Dolce & Gabbana’s Alta Moda Sarregna 2024 collection. The structured bodice, well overweight with twinkling embellishments, merged into a skirt made of rich satin. There was a similar fall from her arms and flowing back behind her, just a little like a train, to complete the effect of elegance, befitting a European queen. To balance out that beautiful gown, Radhika looked resplendent, with a coast-to-coast gold and diamond necklace and earrings that looked sleekly royal. Yet, this commitment towards the Indian customs did not quite fade away. In a move that surprised many, she turned into a bespoke Anamika Khanna couture saree for the latter half of the evening.  Nita Ambani: Timeless Vision in Resham Dreams From being the epitome of elegance to breaking style trends, Nita Ambani surely made sure that all eyes were on her with this very well-thought-out outfit. She chose a custom pink multi-resham kadhwa floral woven brocade saree. What added an extra layer of sophistication was the intrinsic real silver embroidery done down to the minutest detail—what really defines her style. It had an archived blouse with real silver zari, which amplified the royal feel of the whole attire even more. Of course, the real pièce de résistance must come from her legendary jewelry collection. Subtracting the several exquisite pieces, this chunky diamond ring referred to as the ‘Mirror of Paradise,’ a 52.58-carat D-color diamond with rich historical antiquity, really stole the show.  Sibling Style Statements: A Balancing Act of Tradition And Trend Isha Ambani Piramal, sister of Anant Ambani, was another style icon who turned many heads. She had been switching up looks all while the celebrations had been on, so for the reception she went in for a beautiful ivory hued Sabyasachi lehenga. The intricate embroidery of white roses all over the lehenga added a delicate touch to it, while the full-sleeved high-neck blouse offered a modernistic bent on the traditional silhouette. The sartorial choices throughout the festivities, from the modern-day Schiaparelli sari to various other ensembles by Manish Malhotra, were good evidence of Isha’s nimble ability to balance tradition with a touch of modernity. A Galaxy of Bollywood Glamour: Glitz, Shimmer, and Sequins If anything, this wasn’t going to be an Ambani-only night; it would be star-studded, with Bollywood’s A-listers coming out dressed in their finest attire. Janhvi Kapoor indeed left the audience awestruck with her sixteen enigmatic looks, each bringing out the young chick in her. Alia Bhatt sported shimmering gold in a Manish Malhotra saree where every intricate embellishment shined like one moved a little. Priyanka Chopra Jonas, never one for shying away from a bold statement, turned heads in a sequined black gown by Falguni Shane Peacock—the shimmering fabric did justice to her statuesque figure. The Kapoor sisters stepped out in full glory—Sonam in a heavily embellished lehenga by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla, the rich colors and intricate embroidery a testament to her love for traditional Indian wear. More Than Just Fashion The Ambani reception was one such night when fashion was more about ensembles; it symbolised Indian craftsmanship, intricate embroidery techniques, and revived age-old traditions like real silver zardozi work. It could not have come at any better time to showcase the sartorial prowess of Indian designers and give them the platform for international recognition. A Look Back, A Look Forward The Ambani wedding celebrations were a different level of excess and style. It was indeed a peep into the changing tastes of India’s rich and their affinities for global brands, as much as for home-bred fashion ingenuity. Though trends are ephemera, there is one thing which can be betted on unlike anything else—the Ambani reception shall be etched in history owing to its stunning display of fashion, jewelry, and timeless charm of Indian creators.

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 How Does F.R.I.E.N.D.S Reflect Feminism?

How Does F.R.I.E.N.D.S Reflect Feminism?

F.R.I.E.N.D.S is undoubtedly the most iconic sitcom that turned out to involve the ruling element of the ’90s, even now holding a place in pop culture. The real question is, however, how it stands before the judging table of feminism. Well, the answer really, just like that famous orange couch of the show, lies on the spectrum between “yes” and “no.” F.R.I.E.N.D.S  is full of strong women who work and are independent and set new expectations of themselves—but it clings to strings of traditional gender roles and archetypal views for portraying women. Friends Reflect Feminism: F.R.I.E.N.D.S stands rather unique in terms of talking about career women. Rachel Green leaves the runaway bride in a posh wedding dress to start her transformation. The luxurious life that her wealthy family provided is ripped out as she takes a plunge into New York City’s tribulations and carves an avenue for her ambitions in the fast-moving world of fashion. Monica Geller is the chef with an organised life; how she sails through the pressure cooker kitchen environment does not evoke the imagery of the docile, homely woman. Even Phoebe Buffay, the free-spirited musician with her weird past doing her thing, stays out of the way of her friends while making her distinct artistic path and displaying financial independence via massage and music. These characters are responsible for their professional goals and their personal growth, unlike the stereotypical sitcom housewife, whose existence is primarily for the husband. F.R.I.E.N.D.S : A Feminist Power? One of the more lasting truths of Friends rests with the tight-knit acquaintance of the six friends.  Finally, Central Perk, that iconic coffee shop, is where Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe not only have a fight with their required repertoire of love interests but actually find a really strong, nurturing network for themselves. This portrayal does not let the assumption breathe that somehow women are intrinsically cutthroat or backstabbing as human beings. Friends envision that female solidarity may be underpinned by mutually supportive relationships. Be it Monica helping Rachel get the job or Phoebe trying to soothe devastated emotions, in every case, right at the very front stands the role of women raising each other up in this show. This show’s emphasis on female friendship speaks to viewers and has refreshed the character of “frenemy” that abounds in the media. However, one needs to look into the narrowness of the representation. All the females in the program F.R.I.E.N.D.S are friends. Still, the group lacks a bit of diversity. All three leading female roles in the show are white and middle-class. Thus, by all definitions, they are beautiful.  The fact that the film’s angle was not diverse is a weakness of the feminist message since the program never got to bring out the lives of women of colour, LGBT+ women, and different socioeconomic classes. Failures and Stereotypes: While F.R.I.E.N.D.S. forwardly progresses on a few levels, it fails on others. Stereotypical gender roles are something the writers constantly revert to for humour. Monica’s obsessive cleaning habits and competitive nature frequently get used for laughs, enhancing the stereotype that women were born to look towards domesticity and rivalry. Similarly, Phoebe’s “ditsy” personality is endearing but reinforces the stereotype of the unintelligent, whimsical woman. This also raises further concerns about how LGBTQ+ characters are portrayed in the show. Susan is Ross’s ex-wife and the caricature of a lesbian, sexualizing her and having her erupt into jealous fits regularly. Then there’s Chandler’s father, Helena, who is transgender and a constant source of amusement through insensitive jokes. As such, these portrayals have either perpetuated negative stereotypes or even failed to represent the LGBTQ+ community nuancedly and respectfully. Mixed Legacy: This leaves F.R.I.E.N.D.S. with a mixed bag of legacies on feminism. On the bright side, it has celebrated female independence, career choice, and firm female friendship. Rachel’s growth from a cosseted young woman to an independent fashion executive legate stands as a lesson in feminine ambition. The unflinching support system that the women provide for each other definitely goes against the age-old adage that women are at their most competitive. Nevertheless, the program still hosts some rather conventional gender roles and provides a very slim representation of women. The stereotypes in the portrayal of female characters and their non-variance bring down its competence to stand as a strong feminist message. At best, this movie is tactless and stereotypical in its treatment of LGBTQ+ characters.   Ultimately, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is such a product of its time: it reflects some ideals of feminism while perpetuating others. Even today, if one were to watch a sitcom, one would have to cast a critical eye over it so as to appreciate how the progressive aspects were hard-wired into this series while it remained shortsighted on so many other fronts.

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 ‘Dubai, A Whole New You’, Featuring Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan

‘Dubai, A Whole New You’, Featuring Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan

Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism unveils its latest campaign, ‘Dubai, A Whole New You’, featuring Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan The campaign video beautifully showcases Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan enjoying an exciting trip through Dubai, as they experience the best of Dubai’s vibrant culture and strengthen their father-daughter bond  Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism announces the launch of its latest campaign, ‘Dubai, A Whole New You’. Follow Saif Ali Khan and Sara Ali Khan across Dubai as they deepen their loving and playful father-daughter relationship, discovering new sides to each other’s personalities. The campaign video showcases their dynamic relationship blossoming further, against the backdrop of Dubai’s vibrant landscape. As two of Bollywood’s most beloved actors, Saif and Sara share a dynamic relationship, marked by openness, candour and playful banter – qualities that strike an emotional chord with viewers against the fitting backdrop of Dubai’s spectacular offerings. Embark on a virtual journey through some of Dubai’s most-loved sights and sounds. The duo gets competitive at the Real Madrid World theme park (the first of its kind in the world), setting the tone for new adventures that Dubai offers. With Saif taking the lead, they have the time of their lives cruising through the waters in a swanky Jet Car, dining at hotspots such as Krasota, the new Instagrammable attraction where every course is themed with an immersive 360 experience, and more. The dazzle of Dubai wins them over, as they discover ‘A Whole New You’ in each other.   Despite representing two different generations, their worlds collide in more ways than one. Saif takes over Sara’s Instagram, and Sara assertively gets behind the wheel in a Jet Car and takes her dad for a ride. The two share an incredible familial bond and time spent together in Dubai, away from their hectic schedules, is priceless. The proverbial apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, we realise, as we watch Sara match her dad’s charisma as well a sense of adventure and spontaneity. Understandably, they are hesitant to head back home. Drawing from family holidays, the essence of ‘Dubai, A Whole New You’ is of bringing families together to unwind and re-bond in Dubai. Through unique adventures and exciting experiences, Saif and Sara take a break from their everyday hustle to reconnect as a family, coming together to tick off items on their Dubai bucket list and reveling in all that the city has to offer. They share plenty of heartwarming father-daughter moments, and the campaign video is a showcase of how Indian families can also foster stronger connections with each other when travelling. Bader Ali Habib, Regional Head of Proximity Markets, Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism said, “As we launch our new campaign, our steadfast focus remains on enriching Dubai’s tourism offerings for Indian families. Dubai offers an array of captivating experiences spanning art, culture, adventure, gastronomy, as well as retail and outdoor attractions that are second to none. Through this campaign, we reaffirm our commitment to setting global benchmarks in tourism, inviting families across the country to create their own cherished moments in the heart of this vibrant destination.” Saif Ali Khan shared his thoughts, saying, “It has been an absolute honour to collaborate with the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism for their inspiring campaign, ‘Dubai, A Whole New You.’ Watching Sara grow beyond a daughter into a co-artist, and now working with her, has been a special experience. Our busy schedules often leave us with limited occasions to explore and enjoy activities together, so to see Dubai through her eyes was terrific. It was a great opportunity for us to truly soak in the best of Dubai, experience its incredible offerings, and spend quality time together.” Sara Ali Khan adds: “It was amazing to discover Dubai through my abba’s eyes, and of course to take him to cute, Instagrammable spots. I love family vacations, and this one was particularly special as it allowed me to hang out with my dad and take him on fun adventures. I love setting off on short getaways from India, and Dubai has something new and interesting to offer every time I visit, creating memories that will last a lifetime.” Dubai’s proximity to major hubs in India and seamless connectivity makes it an ideal destination for family travel, short haul vacations and stopover travel. The campaign showcases a broad spectrum of activities that promise to appeal to visitors across all age groups, from young couples to kids and parents, making it an exciting travel destination all through the year. For easy-to-plan surprises for the entire family, Dubai also offers a robust roster of attractions and experiences, from thrilling theme parks and watersports activities to world-class shopping malls and iconic landmarks such as the Bhurj Khalifa. About Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) With the ultimate vision of making Dubai, the world’s leading commercial centre, investment hub and tourism destination, Dubai’s Department of Economy, and Tourism (DET) is mandated to support the Government in positioning the emirate as a major hub for the global economy and tourism, and in boosting the city’s economic and tourism competitiveness indicators. Under this remit, DET is driving efforts to further enhance Dubai’s diversified, innovative service-based economy to attract top global talent, deliver a world-class business environment and accelerate productivity growth. Additionally, DET is supporting Dubai’s vision to become the world’s best city to live and work in by promoting its diverse destination proposition, unique lifestyle, and outstanding quality of life, overall. DET is the principal authority for the planning, supervision, development and marketing of Dubai’s business and tourism sectors. It is also responsible for the licensing and classification of all types of businesses, including hotels, tour operators and travel agents. The DET portfolio includes Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing, Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment, Dubai Industries and Exports, Dubai Investment Development Agency (Dubai FDI) and Dubai SME, as well as Dubai College of Tourism, Dubai Calendar and

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 Hospitality News From Goa

Hospitality News From Goa

IHCL Goa Partners with Govt. of Goa on World Youth Skills Day On July 11th, 2024, IHCL Goa represented by Mr Ranjit Phillipose, Senior Vice President, Goa a memorandum of understanding with 11 of Goa’s Industrial Training Institutes to provide students and youth with training at their various properties across the state. Speaking on this occasion, Mr Phillipose stated, “Recognising the need and the challenges faced today, both for the young joining workforce and the industries across sectors, is to match skills to demand. We at IHCL Goa are at the forefront of meeting this challenge, and as Goa’s leading tourism player, we are proud to shoulder this commitment. IHCL-Goa’s belief in sustainable growth remains deeply rooted in our legacy aligned with diversity excellence and positive outcomes. This initiative to train 1 lac skilled youth by 2030 further strengthens our objective of Paathya to promote economic growth while maintaining social and environmental impact.”. Presided over by the Hon. Chief Minister of Goa, Dr. Pramod Sawant and attended by Director of Rural Development Agency, Mr Gopal Parsekar, Director of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation, Mr Vijay Saxena, Chairperson of ITI, Panaji, Mr Gaurish Dhond, South India Head, Tata Technologies, Mr Prashant Handigund and Director Education, Govt. of Goa, Mr Prasad Loliyenkar, IAS. Responding to the Hon. Chief Minister’s clarion call for ‘Kaushalya Goem, Khushal Goem’ (Skilled Goa, Happy Goa), IHCL-Goa will be offering 6 months on-the-job training to students who are undergoing hospitality course in the 4 departments: food production, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage service, & Front Office. Speaking on the occasion, Hon. Chief Minister of Goa, Dr Sawant stressed on how skill, re-skill and up-skill help make optimum use of human resources and by focusing on skill development, Goa can be made Atma Nirbhar. Taking this a step ahead, Mr Ranjit Phillipose invites students to visit our hotels, which will encourage the students to opt for hospitality-driven courses at Industrial Training Institutes in Goa, furthering IHCL Goa’s commitment towards skilling.

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