Human Sexuality Taboos That Exist In The World

Human Sexuality Taboos That Exist In The World

Human sexuality taboos, a fundamental pillar of the human experience, remains shrouded in secrecy and shame across vast swathes of the world. These deeply ingrained taboos create a culture of silence, hindering communication, education, and ultimately, healthy sexual lives. While the specific restrictions vary across cultures and religions, this article delves into some of the most prevalent human sexuality taboos and their lasting impact. Human Sexuality: The Body, A Battleground of Shame The human body itself becomes the first battleground in the war against open sexuality. Here, two key themes emerge: shame and modesty. Shame and the Pressure for Modesty: Many cultures enforce strict dress codes that dictate how much of the body can be revealed. This can be rooted in religious beliefs about purity, societal views on appropriate attire, or a combination of both. In some cases, religious texts may prescribe specific clothing for men and women. For example, Islam mandates modest clothing that covers the body from neck to ankle for women. Similarly, Hinduism emphasises the concept of “sharam,” which translates to shame or modesty, influencing clothing choices. The underlying message is clear: the body, particularly female bodies, are inherently sexual and need to be controlled. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): A Barbaric Practice FGM, a horrific practice prevalent in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and some Asian communities, exemplifies the extreme lengths some cultures go to in controlling female sexuality. This practice involves the partial or complete removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. Often justified as a cultural or religious tradition, with justifications ranging from ensuring premarital virginity to promoting hygiene, FGM serves a more sinister purpose: to control female sexuality and enforce rigid gender roles. The physical and psychological consequences for victims are devastating. They can experience severe pain, bleeding, infections, complications during childbirth, and lasting emotional trauma. Sexuality and Relationships: A Minefield of Restrictions Beyond the physical body, taboos extend into the realm of sexuality and relationships, creating a minefield of restrictions. Premarital Sex: A Forbidden Act In many cultures, engaging in sexual activity before marriage is strictly forbidden. This can be linked to concerns about female virginity, preserving family honour, or religious teachings that emphasise procreation within marriage. In some cultures, virginity is seen as a commodity that enhances a woman’s marriageability. The consequences for those who transgress this taboo can be severe, including social ostracization, violence, or even honour killings. These practices, particularly prevalent in some South Asian and Middle Eastern countries, highlight the devastating impact of sexual taboos on women’s lives. Homosexuality: A Stigmatised Identity Discrimination against homosexuality remains a global phenomenon. Many cultures view same-sex attraction as unnatural, immoral, or a violation of religious teachings. This results in social isolation, legal persecution, and even the death penalty in some extreme cases. The denial of basic human rights and the constant fear of violence force LGBTQ+ individuals to live in secrecy, pushing them towards unsafe sexual practices due to the lack of access to LGBTQ+-affirmative healthcare and support networks. Extramarital Sex: A Double Standard While attitudes are shifting in some parts of the world, infidelity is often met with strong disapproval, particularly towards women. This double standard reinforces the notion of female sexuality being solely for the service of her husband. The fear of shame and social stigma can prevent individuals, especially women, from seeking help for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to the potential exposure of infidelity.  Communication and Education: A Vacuum of Knowledge The silence surrounding sex extends to communication and education, creating a vacuum of knowledge that fuels misinformation and unhealthy behaviours. The Dreaded “Sex Talk”: Open communication about sex within families is often lacking, leaving children and teenagers confused and uninformed. Parents may feel uncomfortable or unequipped to address these topics due to their own upbringing steeped in sexual taboos. This can lead to misinformation gleaned from unreliable sources like peers or pornography, fostering unhealthy attitudes towards sex and increasing the risk of risky sexual behaviours. Sex Education in Schools: A Festering Battleground Opponents of comprehensive sex education often cite concerns about sexualizing children or undermining parental authority. This lack of factual and age-appropriate education leaves young people vulnerable to risky sexual practices like unprotected sex, unintended pregnancy, and STIs.  The Price We Pay: Consequences of Taboos The consequences of these deeply ingrained sexual taboos are far-reaching, impacting individuals and societies alike. Sexual Health Issues: The silence surrounding sex can lead to misinformation and a lack of awareness about sexual health. This, in turn, hinders access to sexual health services and promotes unsafe sexual practices. Individuals may be hesitant to seek testing for STIs due to fear of judgement or lack of knowledge about available resources. This is particularly detrimental for women and marginalised groups, who already face barriers to healthcare. Mental Health Concerns: Shame, stigma, and isolation associated with sexual taboos can negatively impact mental health. Individuals struggling with their sexuality, victims of FGM, or those living with the consequences of unsafe sexual practices may experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The pressure to conform to societal expectations and the fear of rejection can lead to feelings of isolation and a sense of worthlessness. Gender Inequality: Many sexual taboos perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, limiting women’s autonomy over their bodies and sexuality. The emphasis on female virginity and the double standard surrounding infidelity contribute to a culture where women are seen as objects rather than individuals with sexual agency. This reinforces existing gender inequalities and restricts women’s access to education, employment opportunities, and control over their reproductive choices. Breaking the Chains: Moving Forward Breaking the chains of silence over sexuality taboos requires a multifaceted approach that fosters open communication, education, and a willingness to challenge deeply ingrained norms. Here are some key strategies: Open Communication: A Foundation for Change Parents, educators, and healthcare professionals need to prioritise open and honest communication about sex with children and adolescents. This can involve creating safe spaces for discussion, utilising age-appropriate language and resources, and addressing topics like consent, healthy relationships, and sexual health. Initiating

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 Two Major Criteria That Instigate Sex In Marriages

Two Major Criteria That Instigate Sex In Marriages

Marriage is a complex tapestry woven with love, commitment, and a multitude of experiences. Intimacy, a crucial thread in this tapestry, goes beyond the physical act of sex. It’s a deep connection of hearts, minds, and bodies that thrives on two key ingredients: emotional connection and mutual desire. While the initial spark of attraction ignites a relationship, marital intimacy requires consistent effort to maintain the flame. This exploration delves deeper into the significance of emotional connection and mutual desire for a fulfilling sexual life in a marriage. We’ll examine how these concepts intertwine, identify factors affecting them, and offer practical strategies for couples to strengthen these cornerstones of intimacy. Marriage is a complex tapestry. The Foundation of Intimacy Imagine a crackling fire. Emotional connection acts as the fuel, keeping the flames of intimacy burning brightly. It’s the sense of security, trust, and affection that allows couples to be vulnerable with each other. This vulnerability is essential for sexual intimacy to blossom. Here’s how emotional connection fuels a thriving marriage: Safety and Security: When couples feel safe and secure with each other, they’re more likely to openly express their desires and listen receptively to their partner’s needs. This secure environment creates an atmosphere where exploration and experimentation in the bedroom are encouraged, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling sexual experience. Reduced Stress: Stress can be a major roadblock to intimacy. When couples have a strong emotional bond, they can communicate their stresses and anxieties to each other, fostering a sense of support and understanding. This emotional support acts as a buffer, reducing stress levels and making couples more open to physical intimacy. Increased Affection: A strong emotional connection fosters affection and tenderness between partners. This fondness translates into the bedroom, enriching sex with emotional charge and leading to a more fulfilling experience. Breaking Down the Barriers: Factors Affecting Emotional Connection Despite its importance, several factors can negatively impact emotional connection in a marriage, hindering sexual intimacy. Here’s a closer look at some common culprits: Communication Issues: When communication breaks down, misunderstandings, resentment, and emotional distance arise. Open and honest communication about needs, desires, and boundaries is essential for maintaining a strong emotional connection. Couples who struggle to communicate openly may find themselves at a crossroads, unable to express their desires or navigate conflicts effectively. Unresolved Conflicts: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. However, unresolved conflicts can create tension and emotional distance within a marriage. It’s crucial for couples to address and resolve conflicts effectively through open communication and a willingness to compromise. Holding onto unresolved issues will continue to cast a shadow on their emotional connection, hindering intimacy. Life Stressors: External stressors like financial difficulties, work challenges, or childcare can take a toll on a couple’s emotional well-being. These stressors can create feelings of overwhelm, leaving little room for emotional intimacy. Making time for each other amidst the challenges is essential. Scheduling regular date nights, taking short getaways, or simply setting aside dedicated time for quality conversation can help mitigate the impact of these stressors and keep their emotional connection strong. Mutual Desire: Keeping the Flame Alive While emotional connection provides the foundation, mutual desire acts as the spark that ignites sexual intimacy. It’s the physical and emotional attraction that draws couples together, fueling their passion for each other. Desire can manifest in various ways, including physical attraction, emotional intimacy, and a yearning for connection. Here’s a deeper dive into how mutual desire keeps the flame of marital intimacy alive: Physical Attraction: While intimacy goes beyond the physical, physical attraction remains a significant element in marital intimacy. Maintaining a sense of physical attraction requires effort from both partners. This may include maintaining physical health, taking an interest in personal appearance, and engaging in non-sexual forms of touch like cuddling or holding hands. Simple gestures of affection throughout the day can keep the spark alive and build anticipation for more intimate moments. Novelty and Excitement: Routine and predictability can ease anxieties and create stability in a marriage. However, introducing occasional novelty and excitement into the bedroom can go a long way in keeping the flame of desire burning. Experimenting with new positions, exploring sexual fantasies within boundaries, or planning a romantic getaway can all help inject excitement and maintain a sense of adventure in the bedroom. Appreciation and Affirmation: Expressing appreciation for your partner, both inside and outside the bedroom, goes a long way in keeping desire alive. Complimenting your partner regularly, making them feel valued, and expressing physical affection through gestures like hugs and kisses can all contribute to increased desire. Feeling loved and appreciated fosters a sense of security and confidence, making partners feel more desirable within the relationship. Understanding the Challenges: Factors Affecting Mutual Desire Similar to emotional connection, various factors can affect mutual desire in a marriage. Stress and Fatigue: Chronic stress and fatigue can significantly impact a person’s libido. Stress hormones can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to decreased desire and difficulty achieving arousal. Similarly, fatigue can leave partners feeling drained with little energy for physical intimacy. Prioritising sleep, healthy eating habits, and stress management techniques can help improve energy levels and boost desire. Scheduling intimate moments when both partners are well-rested can also be beneficial. Body Image Issues: Feeling insecure about one’s body can lead to decreased desire and difficulty enjoying sexual intimacy. Negative body image can stem from societal pressures, past experiences, or personal insecurities. Building self-confidence and body positivity can help couples feel more comfortable and desirable in the bedroom. Partners can practice body acceptance through affirmations, focusing on non-sexual aspects of attraction, and creating a judgment-free environment for intimacy. Lack of Communication: Not openly communicating about sexual desires and needs can create a disconnect in the bedroom. Partners may be hesitant to initiate, leading to a decline in sexual frequency and a sense of dissatisfaction. Open and honest communication about what works, what doesn’t, and what each partner desires is crucial for maintaining a fulfilling sexual life. Changes in Life Stages: Life stages

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 Celebrate Cricket & Culture: T20 Food Fests & Public Events Across India

Celebrate Cricket & Culture: T20 Food Fests & Public Events Across India

Get ready for six summers of delicious snacks and lively parties! As T20 fever grips the nation, we offer you a unique experience that goes beyond the cricket field. We are talking about an all-India feast that combines the excitement of T20 matches with Indian food and culture. Join us for exciting events in major cities where you can taste local delicacies, attend cultural performances, and enjoy various public events along with electrifying T20 action. So get ready for an unforgettable summer celebrating the spirit of cricket, the community, and the incredible diversity of India! Package for T20: Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort With the Cricket season behind us and T20 fever sweeping the nation, Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort invites you to celebrate in style with two exclusive packages tailored for the ultimate cricket enthusiast. Don’t miss out on this perfect blend of sport, camaraderie, and luxury at Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort. Elevate your match-viewing experience and join us for an unforgettable cricket season! Where: Angsana Oasis Spa & Resort Alcohol: Bucket of Beers (5 pints):₹2000 AI | Unlimited IMFL package: ₹3000 AI Food: Chicken and vegetarian starter (7 PM to 11 PM) For reservations call, 9845211036

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 The World Comes Together For International Yoga Day

The World Comes Together For International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day, celebrated on June 21st, promotes the practice of yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being worldwide. This day emphasises the importance of holistic health and the numerous benefits yoga brings to individuals and communities alike. The inception of this global observance can be traced back to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal at the 2014 United Nations General Assembly, which received overwhelming support. A record 177 member states co-sponsored the resolution, demonstrating the universal appeal and relevance of yoga. Modi’s advocacy highlighted yoga’s comprehensive health benefits, resonating deeply with global leaders and citizens. Through concerted diplomatic efforts and widespread promotion, people from over 180 countries now join hands to celebrate and practice yoga on June 21st each year. This diverse gathering includes diplomats, artists, academicians, and entrepreneurs, all coming together from different walks of life. This year, we at J Wellness Circle, Taj Fort Aguada Resort & Spa, Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa, and The Yellow House IHCL Selections are proud to celebrate International Yoga Day with the theme of “Women Empowerment.” Our celebration aims to honour and uplift women, recognising their strength, resilience, and essential role in society. We believe that yoga, with its transformative power, can be a tool for empowerment, fostering confidence, and inner peace. Among the various forms of yoga, we aim to channel our inner energy through Swara Yoga. Swara Yoga is an ancient yogic science that focuses on the study and control of breath, or “swara,” to harmonise the body’s energy channels. This practice emphasises the significance of the nostrils and breath cycles in influencing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By understanding and manipulating these breath patterns, practitioners can achieve balance, enhance vitality, and deepen their meditative practice. Swara Yoga offers a unique approach to wellness, connecting breath with consciousness and promoting a profound sense of harmony. Our celebration includes a variety of activities designed to engage and inspire participants. One of our key initiatives on this day is visiting a local orphanage. We aim to provide yoga sessions to the youth there, explaining the essence and importance of yoga in daily life. This outreach not only introduces young minds to the benefits of yoga but also instills a sense of discipline and mindfulness. Our rich heritage and culture have introduced us to various Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, and Dhyan, which will be our key focus during these sessions. These elements of yoga offer a comprehensive approach to physical and mental well-being, teaching the youth valuable skills for managing stress and enhancing their overall quality of life. In addition to our outreach activities, we invite everyone to join us at J Wellness Circle for a peaceful and mind-refreshing yoga session. Our serene setting at the Taj Fort Aguada Resort & Spa and Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa provides the perfect backdrop for a rejuvenating experience. Experienced instructors will lead the sessions and adapt them to the needs of both novice and advanced practitioners, giving participants the chance to fully immerse themselves in a variety of yoga practices. Our focus on women’s empowerment will be highlighted through special sessions designed to address the unique challenges faced by women. These sessions will include discussions on how yoga can support women’s health, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. We will also showcase inspiring stories of women who have used yoga to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth. International Yoga Day at J Wellness Circle promises to be a day of connection, learning, and transformation. By bringing together individuals from all walks of life, we hope to create a community that values and practices holistic wellness. Our celebration is not just about practicing yoga for a day but about inspiring lasting change and encouraging a commitment to regular practice. Join us in celebrating International Yoga Day and experiencing the transformative power of yoga. Whether you are looking to enhance your physical health, find mental clarity, or connect with a supportive community, J Wellness Circle offers a welcoming space for all. Let’s come together to honour the ancient practice of yoga and its potential to empower and uplift us all.

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 Tinge Cosmetics: 100% Natural Makeup Brand

Tinge Cosmetics: 100% Natural Makeup Brand

Looking for makeup that works for you and the planet? Look no further than Tinge Cosmetics, a unique brand offering handmade, vegan, and natural cosmetics. Let us dive into the world of Tinge, exploring their range of products, natural makeup benefits, and a surprising DIY twist! Stepping into the Tinge Pvt. Limited Cosmetic Clinic is like entering a world of personalised beauty. The atmosphere is likely to be intimate and consultative, with expert makeup artists on hand to guide you in creating your own makeup palette. Imagine sitting comfortably and discussing your skin tone, coverage and desired look. The artist expertly blends natural ingredients to create foundation, concealer, eye shadow, lipstick and blush that perfectly complement your unique features. This interactive experience allows you to be part of the process and ensure that the final products perfectly match your vision. Customise Your Makeup At Tinge Cosmetic Flawless Foundations: Forget the struggle to find the right shade on the shelf. Tinge creates a foundation that blends perfectly with the skin tone, leaving a natural and flawless finish. A custom-made foundation is the hero of the brand. Cover and correct: Whether you have dark circles, blemishes, or an uneven skin tone, Tinge’s custom concealers help you achieve flawless skin and are also custom-made. All ingredients used in the product are either plant-based or biodegradable. Do not expose to bright light, heat or moisture. If the product does come into contact with moisture, wipe it down with a tissue and store in a cool, dry place in your room.If the product gets exposed to high temperature, open the product (to avoid condensation) in a cool room and let it settle . Do not store in the fridge. extreme temperatures will cause PH imbalance in any natural-made product Eye-pleasing colours: With Tinge’s custom eye shadows, you can create endless eye contours with gentle, natural ingredients. Kissed by Colour: The perfect shade for your lipstick or blush awaits! Tinge customises these products to flatter your unique complexion and complement your individual makeup palette. Do not expose yourself to bright light and/or heat or humidity. If the product comes into contact with moisture, wipe it with a towel and store it in a cool, dry place. If the product is exposed to high temperatures, open the product (to avoid condensation) in a cool room and let it settle. Do not store in the refrigerator. Extreme temperatures cause pH imbalances in all natural products. Beyond Beauty: The Benefits Of Natural Makeup Choosing natural makeup from Tinge offers several benefits: Gentle on your skin: Natural ingredients are less likely to irritate or clog pores, making them ideal for sensitive skin. Skin Embrace a Natural You: Natural makeup enhances your features without feeling heavy or light, letting your natural beauty shine through. Sustainable statement: by choosing natural cosmetics, you promote a more ecological beauty routine. Final Thoughts: Is Tinge Right for You? Tinge offers a unique and personalised makeup experience for those looking for high-quality, natural makeup. Their focus on customisation, natural ingredients, and ethical practices makes them a compelling choice for the conscious beauty consumer. Although the selection of ready-made products may be limited, the personalised service ensures that you get exactly what you need. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference. If you’re looking for natural, vegan makeup that prioritises healthy ingredients, meets your specific needs, and offers a truly personalised experience, visiting Tinge is a must. My Take on Tinge: I’ve been looking for natural vegan makeup that’s good for my skin and the planet, and Tinge sounds perfect! The idea of ​​a custom makeup palette created with sustainable practices is exactly what I was looking for. I look forward to visiting Tinge soon and using this knowledge to create more of my own personalised look!.   Disclaimer: This article is a personal review of Ms. Shrishti Jaiswal, Editor-in-Chief (

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 Sexuality Demystified: Debunking Common Myths for a Fulfilling Sex Life

Sexuality Demystified: Debunking Common Myths for a Fulfilling Sex Life

Sexuality is a cornerstone of the human experience, encompassing a rich tapestry of emotions, desires, and expressions. Yet, for all its importance, misconceptions and outdated beliefs often cloud our understanding. These myths can lead to unnecessary anxieties, unhealthy behaviours, and difficulty forming fulfilling sexual relationships. Let’s delve deeper and debunk some of the most common myths surrounding it. Myth #1: Sexuality is Solely About Pleasure and reproduction This myth paints physical intimacy as a one-dimensional act solely focused on orgasm or reproduction. While achieving pleasure and creating a family are important aspects, sex can encompass a much wider range of emotions and experiences. It can be a powerful tool for expressing love, intimacy, and a deep sense of connection.  can also be a source of stress relief, emotional bonding, and a journey of self-discovery. Imagine sex as a spectrum, with procreation and intense pleasure at opposite ends. In the vast middle lie a multitude of possibilities for shared experiences that enhance your well-being and connection with your partner(s). Myth #2: There’s a “Normal” Sexual Frequency The pressure to conform to a mythical “normal” frequency can be immense. But the truth is, there’s no magic number when it comes to how often a couple should have sex. Many factors influence sexual frequency, including age, overall health, stress levels, and the unique dynamics of your relationship. As long as both partners are content and fulfilled with the level of sexual intimacy, the frequency doesn’t matter. Communication and open discussion are crucial to navigating individual needs and desires. Don’t be afraid to have honest conversations about your wants and preferences; a healthy sexual life thrives on open communication. Myth #3: Size Matters (a lot) This myth often fuels anxieties, particularly for men, about penis size. While some partners may have preferences, research suggests that overall satisfaction with sex is less about size and more about technique, communication, and the emotional connection between partners. There are many ways to achieve pleasure during sex, and focusing solely on penis size can detract from other aspects of intimacy. Exploring different positions, learning about external stimulation techniques, and prioritising communication can significantly enhance sexual satisfaction for both partners. Size may play a role, but it’s far from the only factor. Myth #4: Virginity Defines Your Worth The concept of virginity, particularly for women, is a social construct with no biological basis. It often leads to feelings of shame and inadequacy, and it’s important to remember that virginity doesn’t define your worth. Sexual history is just one aspect of a person, and it is a choice you make. Choosing to wait or not to wait is a personal decision that deserves respect. Focus on finding partners who value you for who you are, not the choices you’ve made. Myth #5: Oral Sex is Risk-Free While it’s true that oral sexual activities carries a lower risk of pregnancy compared to vaginal sex, it’s not entirely risk-free for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Proper protection, like dental dams or condoms, significantly reduces the risk of STI transmission during oral sex. Open communication with your partner about sexual health and STI testing is crucial for safe and enjoyable oral sex. Discuss your comfort levels with different acts and utilise protection to ensure a healthy and pleasurable experience for all partners. Myth #6: The “Pull-Out” Method is Reliable Birth Control The “pull-out” method, also known as coitus interruptus, is highly unreliable. Sperm can be present in pre-ejaculate fluid, which can lead to pregnancy even before ejaculation occurs. This method is not only ineffective but also increases anxiety during sex. For dependable birth control, consider a variety of options like condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, or other methods that have been proven to be highly effective in preventing pregnancy. Discuss your options with a healthcare professional to find the best birth control method for your needs. Myth #7: You Can’t Get Pregnant if You’re On Your Period While it’s less likely, pregnancy during menstruation is still possible. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for several days. Additionally, menstrual cycles can vary, and ovulation may occur earlier or later than expected. If you’re sexually active and don’t want to get pregnant, use birth control consistently, even during your period. Myth #8: LGBTQ+ sexualities are “unnatural.” Sexual orientation and gender identity exist on a spectrum, and being LGBTQ+ is a natural variation of human sexual orientation. Being attracted to the same sex, identifying with a gender different from your assigned sexual orientation at birth, or having a non-binary gender identity are all valid and deserve respect. It’s important to educate yourself and challenge homophobic and transphobic biases by understanding the vast spectrum of human sexual orientation. Studies continue to explore the biological and social factors that influence sexual orientation and gender identity, but one thing is clear: LGBTQ+ identities are not a choice and deserve acceptance and understanding. Myth #9: You Can “Turn” Someone Gay or Straight Sexual orientation is not a choice. Attempts to change someone’s sexual orientation through therapy or conversion programs are not only ineffective but also harmful. These programs can lead to depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues. Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect of a person’s identity, and efforts to change it are disrespectful and damaging. Myth #10: Certain Body Types are More Desirable Beauty standards are subjective and constantly evolving. The media often portrays a limited and unrealistic image of sexual attractiveness, fueling insecurities and anxieties about body image. A healthy body image and self-acceptance are far more important than conforming to narrow standards of beauty. Focus on finding partners who appreciate you for who you are, both inside and out. Celebrate your unique qualities and embrace your body; confidence and self-love are universally attractive. The Road to Healthy Sexual Instincts: Building a Foundation for Fulfilment Debunking these myths is just the first step on the path towards a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. Here’s how to build a strong foundation for sexual well-being: Communication is key. Open

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 Sexuality in Aged Men: Determinants that Disrupts It

Sexuality in Aged Men: Determinants that Disrupts It

 Sexuality And Intimacy- Throughout Life Sexuality is a cornerstone of human connection, fostering intimacy, emotional well-being, and even physical health. While age brings wisdom and experience, it can also present challenges to a man’s sexual function. Understanding the factors that disrupt sexuality in older men is crucial for maintaining a fulfilling sexual life throughout life. This blog delves into the various determinants that can affect sexual health in ageing men. We’ll explore the biological changes associated with ageing, the impact of chronic diseases, discuss the role of medications, and address the psychological and social factors influencing sexual desire and function. We’ll also provide insights into strategies for maintaining sexual health and promoting intimacy in later life. The Body’s Natural Shift: Physiological Changes with Age As men age, their bodies undergo natural changes that can affect sexual function. These include: Decreased Testosterone Levels: Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays a vital role in libido, erection quality, and sperm production. Levels of testosterone decline gradually with age, starting around the mid-30s. This decline can contribute to decreased sexual desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction), and reduced ejaculate volume. Changes in Sperm Production: Sperm production and quality typically decline with age. While fertility may decrease, it doesn’t necessarily disappear entirely. However, these changes can impact semen volume and motility, potentially affecting sexual satisfaction. Vascular Health: Reduced blood flow to the penis is a significant cause of erectile dysfunction. Age-related changes in the cardiovascular system, such as hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), can impair blood flow, making it difficult to achieve or maintain an erection. Nervous System Changes: Age-related decline in nerve function can affect sensitivity in the penis and genitals, potentially leading to diminished sexual sensation. The Double Whammy: Chronic Diseases and Sexuality Several chronic medical conditions can significantly disrupt sexual function in older men. Some of the most common culprits include: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): Heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can all contribute to erectile dysfunction by impairing blood flow. Diabetes: Diabetes can damage nerves and blood vessels, leading to problems with sensation, blood flow, and erectile function. Neurological Disorders: Conditions like Parkinson’s disease and dementia can affect nerves and brain function, impacting sexual desire and arousal. Obesity: Excess weight can negatively impact hormonal balance, blood flow, and overall health, contributing to sexual dysfunction. The Unintended Effect: Medications and Sexual Side Effects Many medications commonly prescribed for older men can have sexual side effects. These include: Antidepressants: Some antidepressants can reduce libido and cause difficulty achieving orgasm. Antihypertensives: Certain medications for high blood pressure can interfere with blood flow to the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction. Beta-blockers: These medications used for heart problems can sometimes cause fatigue and decreased libido. Pain Medications: Opioids and other pain medications can negatively impact sexual desire and arousal. Beyond the Physical: Psychological and Social Determinants Mental and emotional well-being play a significant role in sexual health. Some of the psychological factors that can disrupt sexuality in older men include: Depression and Anxiety: These conditions can significantly dampen libido and make it difficult to focus on sexual activity. Stress: Chronic stress can decrease testosterone levels and make it challenging to become aroused. Body Image Concerns: As men age, body image changes can lead to self-consciousness and a decline in sexual confidence. Relationship Issues: Communication problems, unresolved conflicts, and lack of intimacy within a relationship can negatively impact sexual desire and satisfaction. Social factors can also influence sexual function. These include: Social Stigma: Societal views on ageing and sexuality can lead to embarrassment or shame, discouraging older men from seeking help for sexual problems. Loss of Partner: Widowhood or divorce can lead to a decrease in sexual activity and feelings of isolation. Fear of Intimacy: Some men may develop a fear of intimacy or sexual failure due to past experiences or performance anxiety. Keeping the Spark Alive: Strategies for Maintaining Sexual Health and Intimacy Despite the various challenges, there are steps men can take to maintain sexual health and intimacy as they age: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep contributes to overall well-being and improves sexuality and other bodily functions. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week and focus on whole, unprocessed foods for optimal health. Managing Chronic Conditions: Properly managing chronic diseases with medical treatment and lifestyle changes helps mitigate their impact on sexual health. Work closely with your doctor to ensure your conditions are under control and discuss any potential sexual side effects of your medications. Communicating with Healthcare Providers: Openly discussing sexual concerns with a doctor is crucial. Don’t hesitate to bring up any issues you’re experiencing, no matter how sensitive they may seem. Your doctor can assess your situation, provide information on treatment options, and potentially refer you to a specialist if needed. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): For men with clinically low testosterone levels, TRT can be an option. However, it’s important to discuss the potential benefits and risks with your doctor, as TRT is not appropriate for everyone. Exploring Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Several treatment options are available for ED, including oral medications, suppositories, vacuum pumps, and implants. Discuss the best approach for you with your doctor based on your individual needs and preferences. Focus on Intimacy Beyond Intercourse: Sexuality encompasses more than just intercourse. Explore other forms of physical intimacy, such as cuddling, massage, or non-genital touch. This can help maintain emotional connection and intimacy within your relationship. Prioritise Communication with Your Partner: Open and honest communication with your partner is essential for maintaining a fulfilling sexual relationship. Discuss your desires, concerns, and any changes you’re experiencing. Be willing to experiment and explore new ways to find sexual satisfaction together. Seek Professional Help for Underlying Issues: If psychological factors like depression, anxiety, or body image issues are affecting your sexual health, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor. Addressing these underlying concerns can

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 Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life: Nurturing Creativity

Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life: Nurturing Creativity

Creativity on an everyday level Do you ever feel like your creativity has gone on vacation? You stare at the blank page, the cursor blinking accusingly, your mind a barren landscape devoid of ideas. It happens to the best of us. The daily grind can wear us down, turning our vibrant imaginations into dusty attics filled with forgotten dreams. But fear not, fellow explorers on the path of creativity! Inspiration isn’t some mythical creature lurking in a faraway land. It’s closer than you think—it’s woven into the very fabric of our everyday lives, waiting to be discovered in the seemingly mundane. The key lies in cultivating a mindset of curiosity and mindfulness. Let’s delve deeper into how to unlock your creative potential and find inspiration in the ordinary: Nature’s Symphony: A Feast for the Senses Step outside and take a deep breath. Nature is a boundless wellspring of inspiration, a constant reminder of the world’s inherent beauty and complexity. From the way sunlight dances through the leaves of a towering oak, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor, to the captivating geometric perfection of a spiderweb strung with glistening morning dew, there’s endless wonder to behold. Go for a walk in a park and pay close attention to the textures beneath your feet—the smooth coolness of polished stone bricks giving way to the soft crunch of fallen leaves. Listen to the symphony of sounds—the rhythmic chirping of birds, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, the distant laughter of children playing. Take note of the play of light and shadow and how sunlight filters through the canopy, creating dappled patterns on the ground. Notice the vibrant colors—the emerald green of moss clinging to a rock, the fiery orange of a ladybird crawling across a blade of grass. Don’t just observe; engage all your senses. Smell the earthy fragrance of damp soil after a summer rain and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. This mindful reconnection with nature can spark a creative fire within you, igniting ideas for a story set in a mystical forest or a painting capturing the fleeting beauty of a sunrise. Your Creativity Journal: A Safe Haven for Ideas Our minds are like butterfly nets, constantly fluttering with fleeting thoughts, observations, and half-formed ideas. A creativity journal becomes a safe haven to capture them all before they vanish like smoke on the wind. Don’t worry about structure or grammar. This isn’t a term paper; it’s a playground for your imagination. Jot down anything and everything that catches your eye—a fascinating conversation snippet overheard on the bus, the peculiar way a shadow stretches across the wall at dusk, a dream you remember upon waking. Draw, sketch, doodle, or simply write. Glue in interesting magazine clippings, ticket stubs from a concert, or a colourful feather you found on your walk. The key is to capture the spark—the initial flicker of inspiration—before it fades. Reviewing your journal entries later can be a treasure trove, unearthing forgotten ideas or sparking new connections that propel your creative projects forward. Immersing Yourself in the Creative Tapestry: Surround yourself with the creative energy of others. Visit museums and galleries; attend concerts, plays, or dance performances. Get lost in a captivating book or delve into a documentary about an artist whose work resonates with you. Immersing yourself in different artistic expressions can ignite your own creative spark. Pay attention to what stirs something within you. Is it the bold use of color in a painting? The evocative language in a poem? The raw emotion conveyed by a dancer’s movement? Let the work of others inspire you to explore new avenues and push your own creative boundaries. The Power of Collaboration: Bouncing Ideas Off One Another We are social creatures, and creativity thrives on connection. Brainstorm with friends, join a writing group, or connect with a local art community online. Discuss ideas, share your work—a poem you’ve been struggling with or a sketch you’re unsure about—and offer constructive feedback to one another. Collaboration fosters a sense of community and belonging. It can spark new perspectives and approaches, pushing you outside your comfort zone and leading to unexpected breakthroughs. You might discover a shared passion for a particular theme, leading to a collaborative project that would never have been born in isolation. A World of Sensory Delights: Sometimes inspiration hides in plain sight. The key is to pay close attention to the world around you with all your senses. The vibrant colors of overflowing fruit stalls and the exotic aromas of spices from far-off lands will captivate you as you stroll through a busy marketplace. Sit in a busy cafe and take in the rhythmic hiss of the espresso maker, the murmur of conversation interrupted by bursts of laughter, and the clinking of spoons against ceramic mugs. Feel the texture of a worn wooden table beneath your fingertips and the smooth coolness of a glass of iced tea. Engage all your senses—sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. A seemingly ordinary experience, like the rhythmic clatter of dishes in a restaurant kitchen, could inspire a poem about the frenetic energy of a busy chef, or the tangy aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from a nearby bakery could be the catalyst for a story set in a cosy Parisian cafe. Flip the Script: Reimagine the Ordinary Challenge your perspective and see the world through a new lens. Step outside your comfort zone and try a new activity—take a pottery class, learn to code, or plant a garden. New experiences broaden your horizons and expose you to fresh ideas. Challenge yourself to see things differently. A cracked sidewalk could become a map to a fantastical land in your next fantasy novel, or the way sunlight filters through the blinds could inspire an abstract painting filled with geometric shapes and vibrant colours. Let your imagination run wild and play with the idea of “what if?” The Power of “What If?”: Fueling the Flames of Imagination Curiosity

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 A Taste Of Two Worlds: Indian Fusion At Taj London’s TH@51

A Taste Of Two Worlds: Indian Fusion At Taj London’s TH@51

Stepping into the luxurious Taj London’s TH@51, I knew I was in for a treat. But tonight, my culinary compass longed for more than just great Indian food. I’m looking for a delightful clash of cultures, a symphony of Indian spices re-imagined for British tastes. Here, amid Taj’s rich history, I embarked on a journey of fusion—a chance to witness the magic that unfolds when East meets West on a plate. Taj London: Majestic London St. Located in the heart of Jamestown, Taj London is a haven of Indian hospitality infused with British grandeur. Its imposing Victorian facade, a testament to the city’s architectural heritage, hints at the luxurious interior that awaits within. Upon entering through the grand entrance, you are greeted by a dazzling foyer with kaleidoscopic marble floors, soaring ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers and plush armchairs that invite respite. A subtle blend of Indian spices and the hum of gentle conversation buzz in the air, whetting your appetite for the culinary adventure ahead. TH@51: A unique culinary playground awaits within the walls of Taj London: TH@51. This is not your typical Indian restaurant. TH@51 is a lively space where traditions are given a playful twist. Imagine sunshine in natural light, perfect for enjoying breakfast or a leisurely lunch. In the evening, the atmosphere changes to refined elegance, perfect for a refined dinner. The menu here is a symphony of global flavours with Indian spices at the centre. But these fiery notes are masterfully intertwined with elements of British taste, creating an innovative and adventurous culinary experience. From exciting shows to the living theatre of an open kitchen, TH@51 promises a feast for all the senses, a place where East meets West on the plate in a truly unforgettable way. My Drinks: Passion Fruit Martini To taste the exciting fusion of flavours from my Indian and British meal, I opted for a refreshing passion fruit martini. This tropical delicacy was a perfect contrast to the rich spices and salty notes. The vibrant orange drink, likely made from vodka, passion fruit puree, a splash of lime juice and possibly simple syrup, promised a sweet and tangy explosion. With each sip, I imagined the unique taste of passion fruit—a juicy mix of sweet, tangy and a little floral. It was a great way to cleanse the palate between courses and experience summer refreshment in the middle of a unique culinary journey. Espresso Martini After a refreshing passion fruit martini, you chose a classic with a kick: the espresso martini. This potent mix of vodka, coffee liqueur and freshly brewed espresso promised a delicious paradox. A frothy, chilled drink would have a smooth and creamy texture, followed by a delightful aroma of coffee and warming espresso. It was the perfect way to end the meal – a delightful combination of sweet, boozy and caffeinated energy, a fitting end to a journey that dances between the fiery flavors of India and the comforting notes of Britain.. The Food: Chicken Tikka While TH@51 offers a range of innovative Indian and British fusion dishes, it looks like you’ve opted for a comfort classic: chicken tikka. At Taj London, even a seemingly familiar dish like chicken tikka can contain a surprise. Maybe their version has a unique marinade with a bit of a British twist, with traditional yoghurt and tandoori spices. A perfectly marinated chicken would likely have been cooked in a tandoori oven, with a charred exterior yielding juicy and flavorful meat. This seemingly simple dish becomes a high-class dish when experienced in the opulent surroundings of the hotel, a testament to the restaurant’s ability to respect tradition while also offering a little unexpected pleasure. Tree House Mushroom This dish, TH@51, is their creative interpretation of coral sponges. Imagine a visually stunning creation—perhaps a medley of textures and flavours designed to tempt the British palate. This inventive dish, which draws inspiration from the distinctive shape of the tree house mushroom, would be a great illustration of TH@51’s playful yet sophisticated approach to the evolution of Indo-British fusion and would be a pleasant surprise for even the most discriminating British palate. As for me, a spray of salt and pepper did the job! Kale Burrata Chaat Then, perusing TH@51’s fusion menu, came a dish that beautifully bridged the gap between Indian and British sensibilities: Kale Burrata with Spicy. Imagine brightly coloured kale that can be sautéed or sauteed with Indian spices like cumin or coriander to create a warm, aromatic base. Added to that is the luxurious taste of creamy burrata cheese, the richness of which is a lovely contrast to the earthy kale. A slightly spicy element could be some fragrant spice mix, such as garam masala, or perhaps some hot chutney on the side, allowing you to adjust the level of heat to suit your British taste. This innovative creation perfectly embodied the TH@51 philosophy: the familiar comfort of British cheese combined with the exciting flavours of subtle Indian spices, all combined into a visually stunning and texturally delightful dish. Paneer Wellington Then, perusing TH@51’s fusion menu, came a dish that beautifully bridged the gap between Indian and British sensibilities: Kale Burrata with Spicy. Imagine brightly coloured kale that can be sautéed or sauteed with Indian spices like cumin or coriander to create a warm, aromatic base. Added to that is the luxurious taste of creamy burrata cheese, the richness of which is a lovely contrast to the earthy kale. A slightly spicy element could be some fragrant spice mix, such as garam masala, or perhaps some hot chutney on the side, allowing you to adjust the level of heat to suit your British taste. This innovative creation perfectly embodied the TH@51 philosophy: the familiar comfort of British cheese combined with the exciting flavours of Indian spices, all combined into a visually stunning and texturally delightful dish. Desserts: Gulab Jamun Cheesecake For dessert at TH@51, you took a truly delightful journey combining flavours with the gulab jamun cheesecake. Imagine a creamy cheesecake

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 The Timeless Art of Tie and Dye: Techniques and Styling Tips

The Timeless Art of Tie and Dye: Techniques and Styling Tips

Tie and dye is more than just a trend on runways and Instagram feeds; it’s an ancient art form with a rich history that spans centuries and continents. Originating in Japan and known as “Bandhani” in India, tie and dye has evolved into a symbol of vibrant creativity and cultural heritage. Let’s dive into this colourful world, explore how to create your own tieand-ddye masterpieces, and discover how to style them. The Origins and Evolution of Tie and Dye Tie and dye is a technique that involves wrapping fabric around various objects like wood, plastic tubes, ropes, and cords. This method creates unique patterns once the fabric is dyed. The Japanese were among the first to develop this art form, which later found its way to India, where it became known as “Bandhani.” The term “Bandhani” is derived from the Sanskrit word “bandh,” meaning to tie. This ancient art form dates back to the prehistoric era and has been practiced for centuries. Originally, natural dyes were used to achieve the vibrant patterns, but as the demand for tie and dye grew, synthetic dyes were introduced, allowing for a broader spectrum of bold and vivid colours. The resulting patterns and hues have become iconic symbols of love and peace, celebrated for their brightness and diversity. Bringing Tie and Dye Home One of the most charming aspects of tie and dye is that, while it is produced in factories by skilled craftsmen, many basic techniques can be easily recreated at home. This accessibility has helped maintain its popularity and spread its fame globally. Crumple Technique: A Simple and Versatile Method The crumple tie-and-dye technique is one of the easiest and most versatile methods you can try. It works beautifully on clothing and can also be used to add a splash of colour to pillow covers, tablecloths, and bedsheets. Here’s how you can do it:     View this post on Instagram   A post shared by @lissinbenguluru Materials Needed: White cotton t-shirt (or any fabric item you want to dye) Fabric dye in your chosen colours Squeeze bottles for the dye Rubber bands Plastic table covers or garbage bags (to protect your work surface) Plastic gloves Steps: Prep the Fabric: Start with clean, damp fabric. Lay it flat on your protected work surface. Crumple the Fabric: Randomly crumple the fabric into a tight, wrinkled bundle. The tighter you crumple it, the more intricate the patterns will be. Secure with Rubber Bands: Use rubber bands to hold the crumpled fabric together. There’s no specific way to do this, so feel free to be creative with your band placement. Apply the Dye: Wearing gloves, apply the dye to the fabric. You can use one colour or multiple colours for a more vibrant look. Ensure that the dye penetrates into the folds for a consistent pattern. Set the Dye: Follow the dye manufacturer’s instructions to let the dye set. This usually involves letting the fabric sit for a certain period of time. Rinse and Dry: Rinse the fabric under cold water until the water runs clear. Then, wash the fabric in cold water separately before wearing or using it. Styling Your Tie and Dye Creations Tie-and-dye pieces are incredibly versatile and can be styled in numerous ways. Here are some tips to help you rock your tie and dye t-shirts: Casual Look: Pair your tie and dye t-shirt with denim shorts or jeans for a relaxed, everyday look. Boho Chic: Combine your tie and dye piece with a maxi skirt and lots of accessories like bangles and layered necklaces for a bohemian vibe. Layered Outfit: Use your tie and dye t-shirt as a layering piece. Throw on a denim or leather jacket for an edgier look. Home Decor: Extend the tie and dye trend to your home by using crumple-dyed pillow covers, tablecloths, or bedsheets. These pieces can add a burst of colour to any room. Embrace the colours Tie and dye is more than just a craft; it’s a celebration of colour and creativity. Whether you’re making a t-shirt or sprucing up your home decor, the process is fun, and the results are always unique. So grab some dye, gather your materials, and let your imagination run wild. The timeless art of tie and dye is waiting for you to explore and make your own.     Disclaimer: The article is the curation of Lisa Immanuel (Stylist at  and  Ullas Gowda (Photographer at

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