The term feminism‘ has been highly misinterpreted, misused, and misunderstood. It is, nevertheless, a very elaborate and multi-dimensional movement with an illustrious history and profound impacts in society. This article strives to pick apart common myths about feminism, give the real facts, and delve into the reality of the movement in modern society.

What is Feminism?


Before going deep into discussing the myths, it will perhaps be appropriate to define what is referred to as feminism. In a nutshell, feminism simply means advocating for equality in genders. It is the belief where a man and a woman are considered to be on the same level with equal rights, opportunities and treatment. It does not suggest the superiority of one gender over the other; rather, it deals with challenging and seeking to dismantle systems of oppression that have generally disadvantaged women.

Common Myths About Feminism:

Of all the myths, this probably is the most prevalent: Feminism is all about man-hating. Feminism is not about hating men; rather, it seeks to deactivate gender roles, stereotypes, and power imbalances normally oriented against women. It seeks to build a society where everyone, regardless of their gender, has the same opportunities to succeed.

Certain people also have the idea that feminism works in favor of privileged women alone. The reality, however, is that feminism is intersectional—this means it accepts the fact that women are oppressed differently according to race, class, sexual orientation, and disability, among other things. Feminism struggles for the rights of all women, regardless of their background.

  • Feminism is anti-family: This myth stems from the belief that feminism simply cannot coexist with conventional family structures. In reality, however, feminism does advocate for various family structures and wishes that all family members should be well-treated. It argues for policies to help working parents with childcare and domestic responsibilities divided equitably between spouses.
  • Feminism is about man-hating: Similar to the first myth, this one wants one to believe that feminists abhor men. However, the real truth is that feminism deals with the challenging of dangerous masculinity and building a society where men and women can be free from stereotypical gender roles.
  • Feminism is already achieved: Much improvement has been made, yet gender inequality remains rampant across the globe. Women are discriminated against in the job market, at educational institutions, in health sectors, and as political leaders. The struggle of feminism continues.

Facts About Feminism:

  • Feminism has succeeded in massive development: From women’s suffrage and equal pay laws, feminism was behind the achievement of crucial milestones for women’s rights.
  • Gender inequality is not dead. Women have traveled far in the last couple of decades, but innumerable forms of discrimination still exist: gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership positions, and gender-based violence are just a few examples. Feminism is the view that perceives women with an interconnected experience shaped by variables race, class, sexual orientation and disability. Feminism includes the loyalty that women and men equally are called to as allies in gender equality.
  • Feminism is changing. Continuously evolving, challenging, and embracing new opportunities.

From the Reality of Today’s Feminism

The global movement into which feminism has evolved is characterized by diversity and complexity. It ranges on issues from reproductive rights and economic equality to ending gender-based violence and pursuing education-based gender equality. Feminist organizations and activists are engaged in creating strategies to end women’s issues. Of the many activities specifically attributed to policy change, Awareness Raises, and Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence.

However, the struggle for gender equality is still not close to an end. Misogyny, Sexism, and patriarchal structures, invisibly accepted by Society as norms, remain very much alive. Indeed, Guaranteeing fair treatment to both genders will require long-term and relentless efforts from a variety of individuals, organizations, and Governments.

Challenges facing feminism:

Despite all the gains, feminism faces numerous challenges to date. They include:

  • Backlash and resistance: There is usually some resistance to the movement by people who feel threatened by gender equality.
  • Economic inequality: there is still a gender pay gap while women are underrepresented in leadership.
  • Reproductive rights: Access to reproductive health is one of the hot tenants in many countries across the world to date.


Feminism is not some monolithic ideology but a diverse movement with one leading aspiration: gender equality. Now, defeating myths and knowing the facts can help us build a better world for everyone. It must be stated that feminism does not involve making men enemies from women; rather, it tries to destroy the stereotypes projected as ‘male’ and ‘female’ roles in society so that everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.

Note: This is a general look into feminism. In order to gain a sense of clarity, it is necessary to study different perspectives to generate critical thinking.

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