
Global Shapers Bangalore Fashion Revolution Week

Global Shapers Bangalore Fashion Revolution Week

Global Shapers Bangalore Fashion Revolution Week

Global Shapers Bangalore on fashion revolution week conducted an event with panel discussions, pop-ups, clothing swaps, film screenings and much more. The event started at 4.30 PM with the pop quiz about ‘how well do you know your fashion? Followed by the ‘Drop off your old’ section took place in association with Goonji. The platform provided the audience with a trustworthy place to contribute the old clothes for the recycling process.

The pop-up stores by brands like Ikkivi, Go Native, Bare Necessities, Biomimic Theory and Muyee was one of the main attractions of the event. The workshop by Myuee on Natural Dyeing became a stood out. Followed by that the clothes swapping section also took place. The exclusive section gave the wonderful opportunity to the audience to collect new styles for their closet at no cost to the environment or their pocket with Exchange room.

One of the central attraction of the event was the panel discussion on the topic ‘Why do we need a fashion revolution?’. The panel discussion was rich with the presence of amazing speakers including Abhishek Jani (CEO, Fairtrade India), Nivi Murthy (Founder of IKKIVI), Devina Singh (Communication Manager, Fashion Revolution India) and the moderator Sahar Mansoor (Founder and CEO of Bare Necessities).

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