
Love Affair in times of Corona

Love Affair in times of Corona

Love Affair in times of Corona

Veena Ashiya, shoe creator and founder of Monrow shoes, gets candid about her passionate love affair with shoes and how you can tend to your foot fetish, during these times when you’re at home due to the lockdown. If you’re the one who has an eternal love affair with your shoes, then this is the time to show them some love.

Love Affair in times of Corona

Yes, I’m talking of love. Spending time with your loved ones, of course, but here I’m talking about our eternal love for shoes. With no place to go, this is the perfect time to take a walk into your shoe closet and spend some time remembering all the beautiful memories you had with your shoes and also show them some TLC.

Love Affair in times of Corona

Love Affair in times of Corona

One fine afternoon I decided to shower some Tender love and care on my shoes. The idea was to let them breathe some fresh air. Do you know that our shoes end up carrying a lot of dirt and germs? So, this is good time to give them some deep cleanse.

Few things to keep handy while cleaning your shoes.

  • Divide your shoes into leather and non-leather as both need different kind of care.
  • Leather shoes are best cleaned with any mild cream (body lotions, hand cream etc). Cream has good amount of oil which binds with dirt and can easily be whipped out with cotton cloth.
  • Non-Leather shoes can be best cleaned with mild detergent solution (1 litre water with 1 tea spoon of mild detergent like hand wash liquid). Use a cleaning cloth wipe the shoes with the damp cloth using the solution.
  • For soles of your shoes, it is best to use detergent solution and use separate cloth as soles need a bit more attention. Use an old toothbrush to scrape off dirt from grooves.
  • Let them out in the sun for two to three hours, so that there is no moisture left on them.

Once done wear them and ignite all the amazing memories you have.

Love Affair in times of Corona

The memory that swept me off was that from Bali, wearing these lazy boy sandals from Monrow. It was full day of exploring the city of Ubud, wearing my boho jumpsuit with these navy blue super comfortable sandals.

While plans of travel are far, but cherishing the memories are right here.

Don’t be surprised if this process of cleansing your shoe closet actually turns out to be therapeutic. They say a good sole has good therapy for your soul.

Love Affair in times of Corona

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