
Menopause And Weight Loss: Practical Tips For Healthy Living

Menopause And Weight Loss: Practical Tips For Healthy Living

It is the stage in life when a woman stops having her menstruation. Most women happen to encounter it at their late 40s or early 50s. Besides the hormonal changes within a woman’s body, other common changes a woman might encounter through menopause include weight gain and metabolic changes. However, using the right approach, one can undoubtedly achieve and maintain a healthy weight during menopause.

Menopause And Weight Loss: Practical Tips For Healthy Living

Why Weight Management Becomes Difficult at Menopause

The main reason for a problem in weight management during menopause is that the estrogen levels are low. This can affect the body’s distribution of fat. Furthermore, muscle mass declines as one ages. This also decreases the metabolic rate and may lead to weight gain, especially in the abdomen, even when there has been no significant change in diet or activity level.

Tips on How to Lose Weight at Menopause

Menopause And Weight Loss: Practical Tips For Healthy Living

Maintain Healthy Diet

Be focused on nutrient-dense foods which will promote general wellness. Make sure your meals consist of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Add healthy fats for satisfaction but avoid processing foods; reduce sugars as it will manage calories and blood sugar that will end up in the management of weight.

Be Active

Regular exercise is the magic of weight loss and in general wellness. Combine those such cardio exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling with the strength training one may require to help retain muscles on the body, increase their metabolic rate as much as 150 minutes in a week of activity is what is desired.

Engage in mindful eating

Pay attention to your hunger and avoid emotional eating. Chewing slowly, enjoying every bite, can prevent one from overeating. Tracking your habits and identifying flaws in the food diary could help.

Quality Sleep

Hormonal changes through menopause cause sleep interruption, which may eventually translate to weight gain. Establishing a regular sleep routine, developing a relaxing pre-sleep routine, or limiting caffeine and screen exposure before bed are all considerations for good sleep hygiene.

Manage Stress

Hormonal disorders even weight gain are the results of high levels of stress. Include a few de-stressing practices including yoga, meditation or deep breathing in your daily schedule.

 When to seek Medial Expert

In case of weight gain even after improving lifestyle habits, the body needs to be presented in front of the healthcare providers. They will scrutinize the patient’s background, whether there are health diseases and also advise about the HRT if necessary.

It is more challenging to have a healthy weight after menopause, but it is definitely possible with the right approach. For this purpose, persistence in good practices and consulting a professional in case of doubts are very useful allies.

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