What’s Creepy about the Big Old Banyan Tree On The Outskirts Of The City


Creepy, Weird Big Old Banyan Tree On The Outskirts Of The City? Well, Let’s Go Then!

Nature fans out there, have you visited the Big Banyan Tree (Dodda Aalada Mara in Kannada) yet? If you like to spend a relaxed weekend in the company of interestingly shaped trees and monkeys all around, this spot will be perfect for you.

Creepy, Weird Big Old Banyan Tree On The Outskirts Of The City? Well, Let’s Go Then!

The Big Banyan Tree is situated on Mysore Road. This tree is old, older than you think. This 400-year-old Big Banyan Tree covers almost three acres. It is famous as it is the biggest Banyan Tree in Karnataka.

Creepy, Weird Big Old Banyan Tree On The Outskirts Of The City? Well, Let’s Go Then!

This beautiful Big Banyan Tree is the fourth largest Banyan Tree in the entire country and the government has enclosed the space to turn it into a shaded park for nature lovers. There are plenty of benches to relax and have a perfect picnic away from the Bangalore city madness. But, beware of monkeys, because the Big Banyan Tree is filled with them.

Take a bus or drive down to the Big Banyan Tree from anywhere in Bangalore city. You can also visit The Manchanabele Reservoir, which is at close proximity to the iconic tree. There is a rumour that this place is haunted by some evil spirits. Although, we don’t believe in ghosts, a word of caution – it may get a little creepy during the late night hours.

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