Avartana| A Culinary Gem: ITC Grand Chola’s Avartana Shines #6 on the Global Stage| The Style. World


Avartana A Culinary Gem ITC Grand Chola's Avartana Shines #6 on the Global Stage The Style World (1)

Avartana, located within the opulent ITC Grand Chola in Chennai, Avartana is more than just a restaurant; is an experience that crosses borders and elevates South Indian cuisine to an art form.

Avartana’s excellence was recently recognized on a global scale, with a desired sixth place in TripAdvisor’s Best of the Best 2023 Travellers Choice Awards. This incredible achievement placed Avartana alongside culinary legends, including 17 Michelin-starred restaurants and prestigious three-hat establishments. What actually distinguishes Avartana is its unique position as the lone Indian entry on this coveted list.

Avartana A Culinary Gem ITC Grand Chola's Avartana Shines #6 on the Global Stage The Style World (1)

Avartana’s beauty resides in its creative rendition of South Indian spices. The chefs here expertly combine history and new technology, transforming classic dishes into inventive marvels. This commitment to culinary talent has won the top spot in India and the second place in Asia on TripAdvisor’s sub-categories. And the honors keep coming in, with previous rankings of #30 at Asia’s Best 50 Restaurants 2023 also ranks #4 at Conde Nast Traveller Top Restaurant Awards 2023.

Stepping inside Avartana is like embarking on a culinary tour across the Southern Indian peninsula. The restaurant’s ambiance is as enticing as its cuisine, with exquisite décor reflecting the region’s rich cultural heritage. However, the plating is the real star of the show. Each dish is a piece of art, expertly arranged to delight both the eyes and the tongue.

Avartana’s menu celebrates powerful tastes and fresh, seasonal ingredients. From melt-in-your-mouth Appams to delicately spiced Chettinad curries, each bite is an explosion of flavor and texture. However, Avartana isn’t afraid to test limits. Molecular gastronomy techniques are used to create avant-garde presentations, such as deconstructed rasam spheres or filter coffee espuma, that challenge your preconceived notions about South Indian cuisine.

Avartana A Culinary Gem ITC Grand Chola's Avartana Shines #6 on the Global Stage The Style World (3)

Dining at Avartana is more than just a meal; it’s an experience that will last long after you’ve finished your meal. It is a credit to the chefs’ innovation and dedication, as they have effectively redefined haute cuisine fine dining with a distinct South Indian twist.

Avartana A Culinary Gem ITC Grand Chola's Avartana Shines #6 on the Global Stage The Style World (8)

So, if you want to have a culinary trip that will excite your taste buds and extend your horizons, Avartana is a must-see place.


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