Energeia’s Innovative Energy Solutions Drive Sustainability and Efficiency in Indian Industries


In the past decade, the energy efficiency sector in India has grown remarkably, powered by the government’s sustainability initiatives and rising awareness among consumers about the cost savings that efficiency can unlock.

Sookrit Malik, CEO, Energeia

India is expected to see the largest energy demand growth of any country in the next three decades – which means greater efficiency will be essential to help the country power economic growth while also reducing its emissions,” said Brian Motherway, Head of the IEA’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Inclusive Transitions.

Amid this growth, Mr. Sookrit Malik CEO Energeia shared about his company Energeia, an energy service company (ESCO) specializing in delivering energy and emission savings for large industrial and commercial facilities, has emerged as a key player in driving sustainability and efficiency in Indian industries. Offering a range of energy services tailored to the unique demands of its clients, Energeia has been instrumental in helping businesses like LG Electronics and The Leela Hotels reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Energeias core services include Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs), energy auditing, retrofitting, and advanced energy management system implementations. Through ESPCs, Energeia partners with facilities to identify, finance, and implement energy conservation measures, taking on the financial risk and sharing the energy savings. This model allows clients to upgrade their energy infrastructure with minimal upfront costs, paying for the improvements with future savings generated from reduced energy consumption.

Energy auditing stands as a foundational service, where Energeias team conducts comprehensive evaluations of a facilitys energy use to pinpoint inefficiencies and areas for improvement. These audits cover a wide range of aspects, from HVAC systems to Air Compressors and Boilers, ensuring a holistic approach to energy savings.

Retrofitting services involve upgrading existing systems with more energy-efficient solutions. By replacing outdated equipment and machinery, Energeia helps facilities lower their energy demand, achieve significant cost savings, and reduce their carbon footprint.

Lastly, Energeias energy management systems offer real-time monitoring and control over energy consumption, enabling facilities to optimize their energy usage, identify savings opportunities, and maintain efficient operations over time.

Energeias success in lowering energy consumption is highlighted by its recent initiatives, including the conversion of over 300 MW of Diesel Generators to Dual Fuel, enabling a transition to cleaner fuels across more than 400 facilities. This initiative has not only reduced fuel consumption but also helped clients comply with air pollution regulations.

In another project, Energeia worked with an automotive company to overhaul its compressed air system, resulting in an average of 22%+ monthly energy savings. These projects demonstrate Energeias ability to unlock substantial efficiencies in industrial processes and deliver measurable improvements in energy consumption.

Energeias commitment to sustainability extends beyond its services, as it actively contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). By promoting the use of affordable and clean energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging responsible consumption and production patterns, Energeia is at the forefront of supporting global efforts to build a more sustainable future.

Looking ahead, Energeia plans to expand its reach both within India and globally, with a focus on scaling its efforts to identify and harness significant energy savings. By deepening its impact in the realm of energy efficiency and sustainability, Energeia is poised to make an even more significant contribution to the fight against energy inefficiency and climate change.

Through its innovative energy solutions and unwavering commitment to sustainability, Energeia is setting a new standard for energy efficiency in Indian industries, driving positive change and inspiring others to join the movement towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

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