GiG Pickle Tickle: Pickle Cocktail for Festive Season


GiG Pickle Tickle Pickle Cocktail for Festive Season

As the Festivities are making a way into our lives, it’s time to explore the delicious world of cocktails. But hold on! we are not talking about the usual cocktails that you can get easily. We are introducing a unique pickle cocktail with GiG which will explode your taste buds with its tantalizing flavours.

Since Diwali is around the corner, let’s take a deep dive into the combo of tangy Indian pickles with one of our favourite Gins – GiG. Gin and tonic is our go to drink but since the day we have tasted this GiG Pickle Tickle, it definitely has become one of our favourites. So are you ready to try?

Here’s a quick recipe for you!

GiG Pickle Tickle


  • 1 piece of mango pickle
  • Half a lime
  • 45 ml Great Indian Gin
  • Limca
  • Ice


  • Add pickle, lime juice, ice and GiG into a shaker.
  • Strain and pour into fresh glass filled with ice.
  • Top with Limca.
  • And serve.

Isn’t it the easiest cocktail to make? All you have to do is reach to your kitchen cupboard and pull out the bottle of everyone’s favorite mango pickle and GiG. And a pickle cocktail is ready. Trust us! There’s no going back from this. Enjoy the GiG.

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