Ideal Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

Ideal Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

Lalita Arya, Vice President-Dermapuritys

As we know there are various skin types and every skin has to be looked after differently. Since, summer has arrived therefore people with oily skin must be worried now! So here is a guide and tips to take care of your oily skin during these months when the mercury levels are rising:

  • CLEANSER: Washing face again and again to get rid of oil is a myth! Washing it too much will only make it produce more oil. Washing your face twice in a day is enough. You may also use a gel-based cleanser that contains sulphuric acid, tea tree oil and glycolic.
  • MOISTURIZER: It’s a myth that you shouldn’t use moisturiser if you have oily skin but it is important to apply moisturiser on your face. Moisturisers don’t add moisture on your face but it actually retains skin moisture and prevents excess water loss on your skin.
  • Use a water soluble, light, non-sticky moisturiser that can be easily absorbed in the skin.
  •  SUNSCREEN: Sunscreen act as protection for your skin and prevents worsening of your skin If you already have acne marks, blemishes, scarring then it’s important to apply sunscreen on your face, whether you’re outdoor or indoor. It protects you from all the harmful effects of UV rays.
  •  STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE AGAIN AND AGAIN: Touching your face again and again can invite bacteria on your skin which may lead to more acne and irritation. You may use dry tissues to bloat excess oil from the skin.
  •  WATCH OUT YOUR DIET AND STAY HYDRATED: Avoid eating food that may increase oil secretion in the skin like dairy products, white rice, sweets, etc. and drink ample amount of water to keep the skin detoxified. But there are also foods that would help you escape your acne especially foods with low-glycaemic made of complex carbohydrates, for example – whole grains, legumes, unprocessed foods and vegetables etc.

Ideal Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

  • PAMPER YOUR SKIN: Use natural ingredients and DIYs to make your skin feel happy.
  • You can make a face mask by mixing 1 egg white with 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply it on the face until it dries and then wash your face with warm water followed by pat drying.
  • You can also use honey on the skin since it has good anti-bacterial properties and is beneficial for oily and acne prone skin. You may directly apply it on the face and rinse thoroughly with warm water after 10 minutes.
  • By Lalita Arya, Vice President-Dermapuritys.

Ideal Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

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