JD Annual Design Award 2019 Day 1


The JD Annual Design Award 2019 was held at The Lalit Ashok Bangalore on Saturday. The event began on a solemn note with the inauguration ceremony. The event had turned more glorious due to the recognition earned by JD institute as the Best Design College in Fashion Education by the UK based organization -Good Place to Study(GPS) and the official announcement of the new JD branch in Calcutta launching on this August.

The theme for the year was CURATOR obtained from the Latin word “cura” means “to take care”. The theme focused on the sustainable factor of the designed products as well as enthusiasm to inspire from simple factors to come up with exciting ideas. Sustainability – the idea of maintaining change in a balanced environment which enhances both the current and future potential to meet human needs reflects in the theme more than anything.

The A panel discussion was held in the morning with photographers Shibu Arakkal, Sudhir Ramakrishna Interior designer Shyamala Pradhan and jewelry designer Ambika Thandavan facilitated by Pramod Adhikari the industry mentor for JD. The topic was widely discussed among the panelists and was quite enlightening to the students in the audience who took back the various tools and impact each design has on the consumer as well society because of the layers of communication involved.

Followed by the event, the exhibition of jewelry and interior design respectively took place. The interior design exhibit showcased an exclusive range of interesting products from lighting wall separators to innovative seating for home, and public and commercial spaces. The students focused on the elements of usability convenience, space saving, and aesthetic appeal. The jewelry showcase encompassed a collection of unique pieces for men women and even children made from metals like silver unique stone enamels each of them have a cultural narrative.

The evening was lit up with the fashion show that was attended by the likes of Pooja Bumra, Surabhi Singh, Sneha Gajendra, Vaishnavi Rao, and Gurpreet Singh. The show concluded with the award presentation to the designers across categories like best curator best designer and the like. The audience was left in awe of the collections showcased leaving them enthusiastic about the second day of the event.

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