“Pet Therapy Unleashed: A Guide to Enhancing Emotional Wellness”

“Pet Therapy Unleashed: A Guide to Enhancing Emotional Wellness”


Pet Therapy is one such strategy that has grown in popularity, a unique and comforting practice that uses animals healing capacity to improve people’s emotional and physical health.In a fast-paced world, worry and anxiety have become commonplace. As a result, people are increasingly looking for alternative and comprehensive ways to...

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Digital Detox : Strengthen Relationships and Reconnect with Loved Ones

Digital Detox : Strengthen Relationships and Reconnect with Loved Ones


Digital detox is when you completely ignore or deliberately restrict your use of electronic gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, televisions, and tablets. A digital detox is designed to help you detach from the online world and focus on the present moment without distractions. Most of us spend more time than...

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Exam Stress :Navigating a Guide to Prioritizing Mental Health for teens

Exam Stress :Navigating a Guide to Prioritizing Mental Health for teens


Exam stress is especially common among teenagers. This is because they are frequently subjected to immense pressure to perform well in school, both from themselves and others. The pressure to get into a good college or university can be overpowering, and students may believe that their future success is based...

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How to stay stress free at work? Our achievable New Year resolutions!

How to stay stress free at work? Our achievable New Year resolutions!


Hey all! The new year i.e., 2024 is around the corner and many of us are prepared to take up new resolutions to build new habits in the upcoming year. This is the time when we can clear our slate, give up on our previous issues and start afresh with...

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Complimenting people on their weight loss? Demi Lovato has a message for you

Complimenting people on their weight loss? Demi Lovato has a message for you


American Singer Demi Lovato, who came out as non-binary last week and now uses they/them pronouns, is known for being vocal on issues concerning eating disorders and its awareness on numerous occasions. Be it depression, bullying, or substance abuse Lovato has always discussed these struggles on a platform and spread...

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