Celebrating World Health Day With Dining Experiences In Mumbai

Celebrating World Health Day With Dining Experiences In Mumbai


World Health Day is approaching, what better way to honour the occasion than by exploring the vibrant and nutritious world of healthy eating? In a society where wellness takes centre stage, conscious dining has become more than just a trend—it’s a way of life. From farm-to-table eateries to innovative vegan...

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Balancing Tech Passion with a commitment to Fitness By Mayuri Dhote

Balancing Tech Passion with a commitment to Fitness By Mayuri Dhote


Balancing Fitness and Technology – Mayuri Dhote Goes Beyond The Code Balancing everything in today’s  world women are, breaking barriers, and redefining success across various fields, including technology. This article features a trailblazing woman who embodies this spirit, successfully navigating the demanding world of technology while prioritizing her health and...

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Exam Stress :Navigating a Guide to Prioritizing Mental Health for teens

Exam Stress :Navigating a Guide to Prioritizing Mental Health for teens


Exam stress is especially common among teenagers. This is because they are frequently subjected to immense pressure to perform well in school, both from themselves and others. The pressure to get into a good college or university can be overpowering, and students may believe that their future success is based...

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Nutrition Tips for a Healthy New Year Eve Feast | The Style.World Guide

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy New Year Eve Feast | The Style.World Guide


New Year Eve is a time for joy, celebration, and feasting with family and friends. While indulging in delicious holiday treats is a tradition, it’s also an opportunity to make mindful choices that support your health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll explore nutrition tips to help you enjoy a...

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