How can Women Improve their Health during Quarantine

How can Women Improve their Health during Quarantine


As the lock down is still going on all of us our spending more time in our homes watching Netflix and chilling with our family. Women are also cooking a lot more during quarantine. Women have a lot of pressure on their shoulders because these days they are managing the household work alongside doing their...

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7 things to do at home during Quarantine!

7 things to do at home during Quarantine!


The world is going through a tough time but remember that we’re together. Some of us are in quarantine because of COVID-19, some are with their family while some of us are living alone in other cities or countries. While we’re all feeling stuck or bored, The Wedding Brigade, India’s...

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Fitness Regime You Can Follow On Your Own

Fitness Regime You Can Follow On Your Own


Don’t stress if you cannot head to your favourite yoga studio or your health club these days. Make quarantine the best time to lose weight and detox your body. Though the quarantine is a great way to lose some weight and tone your body, it can actually bounce back on...

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