Have a good Hair Day


Frizz-free, less damaged and voluminous hair is what we all need. Considering today’s polluted environment, the food intake and the stress levels that everybody goes through, it is quite a task to maintain healthy hair. Washing hair everyday can leave it dry, due to the chemicals used in the products, that strip the natural oil from the hair.
good hair
You can visit some spas and salons for regular hair spas and massages. You can also try these homemade hair care recipes that help in reviving dull hair and adding the required shine and gloss.

Aloe Vera hair mask

Aloe Vera is good not only for your skin, but also for your hair. It is great for deep conditioning of hair. It also promotes hair growth and reduces dandruff. For a homemade hair mask, mix aloe vera pulp with few drops of lemon juice and apply. Aloe Vera instantly hydrates the hair and lemon, due to its acidic nature, cleans the scalp and removes the dust.
good hair

Banana and olive oil

This mask helps hair from the dryness due to changing climatic conditions. The mask brings in good shine to the hair and also helps in avoiding split ends. The mask helps in damage controlling caused by styling tools.
good hair

Yogurt, egg and honey

Yogurt is packed with anti-fungal agents that help in getting rid of dandruff, while egg is a great source of protein. Protein promotes hair growth and honey helps in moisturising. Mix all the three ingredients and apply it well. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off the mask. Repeat the process for good results.
good hair


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